The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls Trading Card Game

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by royboooooy, Jul 10, 2018.

  1. royboooooy

    royboooooy It'll always snow on Mount Fuji. VIP

    Hey guys if you have ever played The Binding of Isaac, even if you haven't, I implore that you continue reading this. Edmund McMillan, the creator of classics such as Super Meat Boy and of course Isaac, and Studio 71, the maker of other Kickstarter games such as the Cyanide and Happiness card game: Joking Hazard, have gathered to create a card game which as you'd image from the title, is based on The Binding of Isaac.

    This thread is mostly just to spread awareness to the game, it's already met it's fundings in just an hour and a half and has surpassed over 1 million dollars from backers, however if you'd like to back it yourself, you will gain exclusive Kickstarter bonuses, as per usual with these crowdfundings.

    If this seems to any interest to you, go check out the page here and you will find more information about how the game is played and the tiers that are available.

    Because I've enjoyed Isaac, I felt it was a disservice for me not to spread awareness to it, and as Edmund has stated, if you plan on getting this game, don't be one of those who wait for it to come out and have to pay over 10 times the amount for the expansion packs exclusive to the Kickstarter.

    The Kickstarter ends Fri, July 27, so go get your hands on this before you regret it!

    That's all, Cheers!
  2. royboooooy

    royboooooy It'll always snow on Mount Fuji. VIP

    Hi guys, hope this ain't bumping, even so, I would hate for someone to miss this while the kickstarter is still up. There's less than 48 hours now to back this game and recieve all the bonuses you would otherwise miss out on (over 70 extra cards to be exact!). Don't wait and have to buy it off of ebay for triple the price, if you haven't had the chance to back it yet, this is perhaps your last chance y'all!

    This will be my last and only update on this thread regarding the kickstarter. I'm not sure how many of you even play Isaac and would consider backing this, but just letting you guys know one last time.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2018