bois it's on sale I need to make sure people don't peek unless if they seek to be 6 deep ... if you know what I mean...
Alright, boyos lemme get straight into this. My future dog is having some really bad breath and that's giving him cardiac problems. He told me a couple years back that if he ever broke his foot to make sure to let him get a 356-degree semi-auto Deagle ace on CSGO. The only way my cat can become healed is if one of you kind souls donates the game to my steam account. I'm so sorry that I have to beg for this but my fish is going through a lot right now. I would pay for CSGO myself but Timo321 exhaled my money. That dirty rascal. It would be so kind to any of you homo sapiens to slide that CSGO into my doggo's steam account, A.K.A. mine. kthx
Bills have been hitting pretty hard plus shitty life stuff. I had this game aaaages ago on xbox but my games got stolen like 6 years ago. Just discovered a few days ago (or maybe it was yesterday, time is weird) that it was on steam. I would love you forever but if not it's chill
'Aight, if any of you generous guys/gals wanna give me a copy of rimworld it would be much appreciated