It is quite honestly one of the worst designed maps in terms of game play flow, strategy, delay and fun.
Outside - pitch black and way too big. Top floor - narrow corridors and only half the doors have uses Basement - Dumb trap with the monster, tester is useless and people never use it properly also people struggle to reach it due to the elevators being frustrating and breaking, and the only other way down being the small vent above the vending machines. T rooms promote camping by being in awkward spots Overall trash map.
Well agree to disagree I suppose. But I forced that map earlier today and 90% of the server loved it.
theres like 20 versions. also one if not all of them had a backdoor in it that the map creator exploited to gain what appeared to be console level access, or at least enough access used to cloak themselves while playing. sorry but no.
The last version was extremely buggy and frustrating to play. In fact, the map creator himself @Sirhymfer requested it to be removed so he can work on an improved version. Unfortunately, it seems he never got around to actually making it. Safetown is out of the question until a proper and stable version is available, I'm afraid.
Lmao I remember safetown being really fun to play in if you weren't playing ttt seriously. There was just so much else happening but oh well
It was a fun map, I'd wait for the monster as a T and once all the innos are distracted shooting it I'd start mowing them down. Usually worked, they'd be too busy looking at the monster.
I remember alps being a very fun map to play. I love the house and the basement passages. Oh I can't forget about the tire swing, shit would always go down by there. +1 bring back alps
Awww, I didn't notice this was even removed! Bring it back! Funny, whenever people talk about how "buggy" and "unplayable" a map was, I never seemed to notice an issue at all...maybe it's a personal problem Plus, it doesn't have to be perfect. You know that someone spends too much time playing video games when these little discrepancys override just having fun and playing the game... And if it really is broken (doubt it), let's get someone to fix it! @veri Also, Alps!
Implying that SGM staff actually give a damn about broken maps because, "everyone can get to the exploit areas so theres no problem with it"
Hymfer is/was working on a new version of safetown, which had a less confusing layout, so you wouldn't get lost so easily, also causing less delay. Not sure how it's going though, haven't heard about it in some time, but he definitely worked on it. The current version wasn't all that good, broken elevators and confusing layout.
Safetown is currently on hold working on an different project atm. Spoiler Secret project Spoiler ttt_penitentiary Spoiler