Spoiler: Art Requires... Spoiler: ...A Certain Cruelty My Jhin is starting to get pretty goddamn terrifying, feels like ADC's are alive again after the recent buffs. If anyone wants to Queue, add me, user is EvilAnarkisT
winning at 12 minutes cause I oneshot their nunu & pantheon and the others didn't bother defending @ink @Acnologia
tried to make aatrox work, thought i had something for a split second then my team fed Spoiler: Damage Graphs
I think I have this ability. It happens ALL THE TIME, I add someone after a game and we queue up, then I carry like crazy, then I never have a good game with them again.
Don't know how many that hasn't already done this but if you are interested in a free skin for Tristana, Garen and Alistar you can get three promo skins before they are put in the vault following the steps here https://support.riotgames.com/hc/en...rce=LeagueClient&utm_medium=OverviewTier2Pos2