The Randomat is an Item ONLY for the Detective which will, after it was used, do something random. Type: Equip 2 Heres some of what the random things do: Whats in my pocket? Gives everyone a random weapon from the Detective/Traitor menu shop. No explosion damage! No explosion damage, C4's and trip-mines or grenades will not hurt you. Zero moon gravity, on earth? Gives everyone Zero gravity.
Maybe with a lot of imagination I could imagine this being used in some sort of a fun round ... But as a buyable item for the regular rounds? Nah. Items like these don't fit the server. While it may be fun sometimes it would be very chaotic and it would only create problems because of the way our rules are designed. You'd of course still not be allowed to RDM with these weapons, but that's exactly what would happen. The players (especially ones that are newer to the server - but some regulars aswell) would use the D/T-weapons just for fun, not in any controlled way. People would get mad because they got RDM'ed ... Mods would have to slay for such RDM ... Especially explosive T weapons would surely lead to some Mass RDM bans after each round that this item is used. And this could happen basically every single round In general the cons just outweigh the pros. I can't imagine that this will be added anytime soon. I have to give a -1 to this idea. If you disagree, please let me know why.
Remember, theres more then 3 things that can happen with the Randomat and there is alot that can happen.
+1 i feel this could be implemented into a fun round as well with an idea that everyone get a random matt or such thing but its a normal round with a twist