Completed Report against FaeThorn

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by CaptainTTT, May 3, 2018.

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  1. CaptainTTT

    CaptainTTT New Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:

    Your Steam ID:

    Which Server:
    West 2
    Which Map:
    Which Round:

    Time of Occurence:

    Reason For Report:
    So here's how it all went down. My Steam name is CapnSaveAHo. First of all, it started in the map that looks like a room (not dolls). I threw an incend with no one around, which I get is a t-act but still no one was around i was just ridding myself of it. NO ONE was around, the only way for someone to get hurt was by going onto the fire, to which FaeThorn had reported. I asked to him explain the situation on why I'm getting slain, answer withheld. Anyway, cut to the ttt_rooftops_fix map. I crowbar a detective (pushing, not hitting) no where near a ledge or water, so it won't be considered as pushing with the intent of damage or killing. He killed me and said I tried hitting him, to which my report was not answered. Then I become a d next round, some guy purposely prop-hits me with AN EXPLOSIVE BARREL so I kill him, then I get slain for rdm the next round. If you wanna say it's my fault, fine, idc. Just have some consistency with the rules so I don't have to be victim to ever-changing rules​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

  2. olivia

    olivia queen of dankness VIP

  3. Husky

    Husky Euthanasia VIP Silver

    I will conclude when my moderator has presented his evidence.
  4. CaptainTTT

    CaptainTTT New Member

    I don't know for sure if the second two mods/admins who slayed/administered reports concerning me were FaeThorn but i just assumed it since he was the only mod on who slayed me before. It could've been Bubonic or winky since they were on too
  5. FaeThorn

    FaeThorn Be friendly, You can always change someones life VIP

    Hello, I'm sorry for the inconvenient of this! I will gather my evidence now and respond ASAP ! sorry about all this !
  6. FaeThorn

    FaeThorn Be friendly, You can always change someones life VIP

    He captain, I firstly want to say I'm sorry for what has happened today!

    Anyway, let's get started for what happened today!
    Firstly I want to say that some of my evidence has been lost due to malfunctions which I'm actually not sure of! I am sorry about this @Bubonic and @wink were on at the time during the first slay with the incendiary witch I will present the evidence right now!

    The first time I slayed you was on the map ttt_bb_teenroom_b2
    This was due to you randomly throwing an incendiary without reason
    Here is the report
    Sorry for such bad quality but the report reads" Round 1 at 00:08 CaptianSaveAHo [innocent] has damaged grid [innocent] for 17hp with an explosive why? with a response of "it's not my fault if someone walks into my damage I made. if someone throws an incend and I walk into it is it there fault? ofc not"

    I slayed you after the review that the player was standing right behind you when the grenade went off as such he did not walk into it so this is what I slayed you for.
    Witch upon looking the DS seems to have been corrupted by my system.

    Onto the reports on rooftops.
    The first report was when you were the victim and I Slayed the detective for killing you with the following reason " You can not kill for someone swinging by you with a crowbar as it cannot be traitorous as you can not tell the difference between a push and a hit"
    Here is the DS for that as this is the only evidence I have of it.
    In this, the detective had no right to kill you as nor did the other have a right to shoot you. Witch I slayed him for.

    The second time was when you were reported for killing a player witch I did not slay you for
    As you can see you had every right to kill him and I did not slay you for this. Soon after this, the server crashed. I do not remember adding a slay onto on the map rooftops. Again I am sorry for your trouble and I hope this clears everything up!

    I would like to hear what you have to say @CaptainTTT
    I hope you make plenty of good memories here and friends!
    Last edited: May 3, 2018
  7. CaptainTTT

    CaptainTTT New Member

    Well first of all thanks for replying back. idk why i got an extra 2 slays after the server crashed tho... so i just thought it was you. And again, on that first slay you gave me, did you have any actual proof that the person who was damaged by the incend was standing behind me? because if not then it was wrong to slay me. I dont believe shooting a gun, throwing an incend/discombob or doing any t-act is SLAYABLE but it is KOSABLE. From that point it wouldn't make sense to assume that the guy was standing near me, as I the only actual witness of the situation (besides of course any video evidence or a testimony from the guy who was damaged himself), had checked my surroundings and saw no one near me. If said damaged person were to KOS me, then that'd be completely A-OK, but i didn't do anything with the intent of killing anyone nor did i rdm, so it wasn't really slayable. Also i dont recall a slay on the detective who killed me on the second instance, but ill take your word for it.
  8. FaeThorn

    FaeThorn Be friendly, You can always change someones life VIP

    Hey thanks for responding! As i said i do not have any evidence for the first slay as my recording was malfunctioning and my DS was corrupted So it is basically word v word im sorry about this :(

    Im not sure why you had 2 slay though i did have a recording but i do not know what happened to it so i deeply apologize for this! As it is my mistake.

    Also i would like to point out in our extended rules, that accidental damage is still rdm
  9. FaeThorn

    FaeThorn Be friendly, You can always change someones life VIP

    im gonna ahead and @Husky for him to finsh this up :) thanks for your understanding @CaptainTTT
  10. Husky

    Husky Euthanasia VIP Silver

    Hey @CaptainTTT I'll be home soon to finish this up thank you for your patience.
  11. Husky

    Husky Euthanasia VIP Silver

    Hey, @CaptainTTT - Thank you for reporting my moderator @FaeThorn on the forums for potentially what would be a mishandling of the situations you have listed above.

    As you can see my moderator has given you nearly all of the evidence pertaining to the reports you have filed grievances about, and after viewing all of the evidence I have found that he has done his best to follow and maintain the standards he is to follow.

    Here's why:

    As you can see in the first report, FaeThorn slayed you for what is believed to be RDM because throwing an incendiary grenade without reason makes you responsible for the damages. However, what without the evidence he is unable to provide as he has shown you, so if let's say you were to be banned for this offense (like if you left while slain or this was your third/fourth RDM, you would have to be unbanned because this slay would not hold up due to a lack of evidence and whether or not that player intentionally walked into the flame or not). With a situation such as this further investigation would be required, and the deathscene would have proved whether he walked into the flame or not. Based on protocol and what he saw, he would be correct to slay you if the player was right next to the original explosion.

    For future reference, as an innocent you need two things for a valid grenade kill:
    • A valid reason: (i.e, a traitorous act witnessed, self defense, etc).
    • A valid warning: (i.e, "I'm throwing at a player who committed a traitorous act get out of the way!")
    These two things would be needed for a valid grenade kill and to prevent any crossfire to any potential innocents near the player you're throwing the grenade at.

    The last two reports you were found not guilty on both counts, the first report because:
    • There was no damage to the player, and the player was not pushed near any form of danger (near a ledge, near a trap of hazard, etc).
    He had no reason to kill you, and as FaeThorn says he was slain and not you. This is also in the other report, where you only killed him in self defense due to him throwing an explosive prop near you, which is in fact traitorous.

    So overall it looks like FaeThorn follow protocol to the very letter, however the one concern I have is his lack of evidence in this, which is something I am going to talk with him about. The only reason that this is valid is due to a lack of evidence in all counts of the situations presented here today (The lack of deathscene for the first report, and the other two situations with reports.)

    I want to thank you for taking the time to follow through with a report, and I thank you for bringing this to my attention.

    If you have any questions, please refer to me on the forums or on steam.

    Warm Regards,
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