The youtube channel

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Sir Lemoncakes, Aug 30, 2013.

  1. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    As some of you know, I have recently created a YouTube channel. I would like to thank everyone who has already subscribed, and the people who have taken their time to watch my videos. I plan to release 2-3 videos a day but I need to know what series I should put out, and if you think I should continue the games that I have started now.

    I have also determined that in order to be successful at this I need at least views per video. This is because I have to join a network before I can really get noticed. Aside from that, I have to join a network to be eligible to monetize the videos I put up. Any ideas on how I can network out and market the channel would be greatly appreciated.
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  2. eduardopy

    eduardopy Banned

    Well, you have to think about what kind of audience you want, do you want to do the comedy type of gaming, the hardcore type or the casual type? I mean, look at people like Pewdiepie, his fanbase is made up of people who like casual funny gaming. Then you have to pick games according to the audience(I would personally say action packed games are the best for youtube) And dont make the videos too long nor upload many, its always better to leave people wanting more than to leave them bored. I mean, my favorite youtubers upload once a day and I am always eager for their upload. Just some tips :) Hope the channel goes well!
  3. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    Hey everyone! I have released a ton of new content since last posting and will continue to post more every day. Check it out and please don't be shy in telling me the things I need to improve on. Every little bit helps!
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  4. eduardopy

    eduardopy Banned

    You should get some graphics and an intro, maybe an outro, really makes a difference ;) And if you need any help I might be able to help :)
  5. GunAndBomb

    GunAndBomb Explosive VIP

    Hey heres a tip you should try: try to edit the videos and only show the highlights because most people dot have time to sit down and watch a half hour video.

    Just a thought :)
  6. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

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  7. pootis12

    pootis12 New Member

    Do serious TTT like me I am all ready subscribed
  8. Ben Slade

    Ben Slade VIP

    I subbed to you lemon
  9. Look at MOdernwarnegro on youtube
  10. MetallicPie

    MetallicPie Regular Member

    As you are my worst enemy i am gonna help you out, i am literally on youtube every second of my life, so i know my stuff.

    You need:
    Profile picture- Makes you stand out. maybe ask someone that is good at art to make you one

    Outro- Dont get an intro, they are just too boring to watch, and when some people an intro they might click off it, even if its 10 seconds.

    Editing software- This is your prefrence, depends if you want to make highlight videos or just a longer video, some people prefer one and some the other, but try to cut out boring bits and not make it longer than 10 mins.

    Similar title- Looks organised and once again stands out.

    DO NOT MAKE SERIES OF POPULAR GAMES- If you notied people make about 50 series on skyrim or whatever and the 1st episode has 1,000,000 view and the second drops to 300,000 and the third has 100,000 and it keeps dropping, it is because its repetitive, so trust me dont make long series on popular games, if you really like a game and want to show how good it is, do a short video about 3-5 mins on it showing the highlights of game play (maybe boss fight or something), ONLY do a long series if its Minecraft, people love that shit because there is so many things to do.

    This is all i can think of for now.
  11. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    Wow that was actually really enlightening. Thanks for the advice. I will do multiple videos of decent length for something like GTA 5 and watchdogs for obvious reasons. Anyway I was wondering what videos I should do today out of these games. Payday 2, Magic 2014, Rayman Legends, The Last of Us, and Dishonored Brigmore Witches.
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  12. MetallicPie

    MetallicPie Regular Member

    I think you should do payday 2, its quite a popular thing on youtube right now i think, great game as well. Try to get a few friends to play with as well. The thing with dishonoured and old games like that is less and less people watch them because people only watch them when the game jsut came out.
  13. eduardopy

    eduardopy Banned

    • Be Original
    • Be Professional
    • Be Your Own Audience

    Being original is the toughest one, especially with gaming videos; most likely someone somewhere has done a better job a year ago. Being professional is about using good English and making your channel look appealing. Being your own audience is about figuring out what kind of people will want to view your videos. In the next few sections I’ll help you apply these concepts to your own channel to gain viewership.

    Your audience wont find your videos even if they are good, lead them to it. And once you have enough people enjoying your videos tagging them really does wonders.