nerf shotguns pls

Discussion in 'Weapons' started by yeet, Apr 17, 2018.

  1. yeet

    yeet VIP

    pls nerf shotguns because they cant even kill point blank wtf is this shit this isnt how a shotgun is supposed to work pls buff u feg
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  2. ⚔️ ⚔️ screwdriver Banned VIP Silver

    Title: nerf
    Post: buff
    im retarded, but not that much...
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  3. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    Do you mean nerf or buff?
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  4. Emily❤

    Emily❤ The strongest light is the one within VIP Silver Emerald

    The shotgun is fine as it is
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  5. Zuko

    Zuko VIP Bronze

    yeet was shot by Sir Turtle using a Jack Hammer
    Anyways, the shotguns are pretty good. Maybe it has something to do with you aim I mean ping?
  6. Aquast

    Aquast lordy was here :barefoot: VIP Bronze

    shotguns are fucking op lol
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  7. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    shotgun = fine
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  8. Lion

    Lion Ryan's Favorite Admin VIP

    Yes, nerf but buff at the same time. Same man. Same.
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  9. You'd need to full on headshot in order to kill one instantly. Besides you can outrange him with a automatic rifle, so i think its pretty balanced actually
  10. yeet

    yeet VIP

    shotguns are shit currently and cant even kill point blank what do you mean they are balanced
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  11. yeet

    yeet VIP

    you need a point blank headshot to kill someone
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  12. Sha

    Sha VIP

    can't even say what you want.
  13. yeet

    yeet VIP

    shut up shotguns are terrible and you still died 4 times by em
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  14. Makuzi

    Makuzi Now we all pray blood stains wash away VIP Silver

    i despise the shotgun in every fps
    just people running around and killing you easily in a short distance
    i get killed when i try to spray at them with automatic and only inflict 5 dmg
    no, it's not my aim you ding dongs
    i do fine in fps games when egotistical players play and try to increase their self esteem and try hard
    but when the egos use the shotguns (not saying all shotgun users are egotistical), i wish shotguns were never put into fps games
    this is a personal reason why I would like shotguns to be nerfed.
  15. Sha

    Sha VIP

    You mean you cant aim for shit so you need shotguns to be more op than they already are?
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  16. yeet

    yeet VIP

    lol if you cant outrange a shotgun with a rifle then its 100% your aim
    and plus in fps games shutguns are 1 tap close range, thats the whole point of a shotgun good close bad long but here they are shit in any range since you cant even kill point blank without a headshot
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  17. yeet

    yeet VIP

    shaaman you have no permission to speak shotguns are shit yet you got rekt by them 4 times u zucc
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
  18. Sha

    Sha VIP

    I mean you tell me im shit when i have 1 tapped you 300 times
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  19. yeet

    yeet VIP

    you never
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
  20. NeverGhostin

    NeverGhostin Mod to remember VIP

    I use the mossberg or whatever the pump shotgun is called on modded west and west 2. Its so dame fun to use, it can one shot headshot, it does really good damage to body, and even though the vanilla shotgun doesnt pump so it takes less time to shoot more, the pump is jut so satisfying. Idk why but shooting people and then pumping it makes me laugh so much. If i get in a big gun fight with like 3 innocents and end up killing them all, ill start dying XD. Dont nerf mossberg.

    Besides my story, let me give a serious imput:

    Double barrel: Might be one shot but at more than a few feet, if you don't aim, you wont even do 50 damage. Only one shot until required to reload. Reload speed is very slow so if its you vs. more than 1 person, might as well switch to secondary(unless your hiding). Only like 2 spawn on any map and you cant put on loadout or buy from shop. It says it has 2 shots but both are shot when firing. Bullet spread is really wide, requiring close range combat to be effective.

    (Verdict: Double barrel shouldnt get nerfed or buffed.)

    Vanilla shotgun: Normal shot speed without any pumping required. Bullet spread is kinda wide but still good for close range combat 8 bullets can be shot before needing to reload. Reload is good speed. Can one shot head shot and do about 70 damage at point blank on body. Can be bought from shop and put on loadout, along with spawn all around the map.

    (Verdict: Doesn't need buff but maybe nerf in damage considering the amount of damage it with just 8 shots and how fast it shoots.)

    Winchester: 4 shots in gun that can be fired before required to reload. Everytime you shoot, the gun spins in a 360 Degreese motion to reload(basically like pump but different animation). Haven't used much neither have I seen many people use it. Pretty sure can one shot head shot but must be close. Body shots only do like 45 damage(from what I recall). Can be bought or put in loadout and found some places around the map. Bullet spread is pretty tight, meaning that close range and so decent range can be effective.

    (Verdict: i'd love to see a buff to the reload speed or amount of ammo in the gun before required to reload.)

    The Jackhammer: Dont remember how many shots the gun has but I think around 8 shots. Reload speed if same speed as vanilla shotgun(or around there). Shotgun has really good range with small spread but doesnt do much damage even when close range. Only detectives can buy it but other people can pick it up on a different slot, letting you have a long range and close range weapon for you to use at any time.

    (Verdict: I'd love to see a buff to damage, that's about it.)

    Mossberg: Has 8 shots to be fired before required to reload. Reload speed is good and is pumped between shots. damage does about 60 to body and can one shot head shot. Can be put on loadout and bought from shop, including finding it around the map. Bullet spread is similar to vanilla shotgun. Shotgun can be effective at close range and a little farther but not too far.
    (Verdict: Gun is fun. No nerf or buff required.)

    This took me 40 minutes to write and yes I know, some gun descriptions have thing that I forgot to put but don't have that much time. This is just personal opinion and other people will have different opinions about different shotguns.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2018
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