So people! It's that time of the month again I post a thread that isn't whiny bullshit. What playstyle do you go for when you're playing on TTT, either as Traitor, Innocent or Detective? As Innocent I usually go for a semi-active approach. Sometimes when there's a gunfight going on I'll either sit it out and see the outcome or shoot both players but I'm never too fussed about actively catching players. As Traitor, I like to be more passive. Only attack players in closed spaces, when they're distracted and make a hasty getaway. As Detective, I love messing around with people. Call everybody suspicious, throw all cares out the window and let most people do the work. Personally I love being detective the most. It's the least emotionally taxing job on the server and you don't have to deal with as much toxicity.
9 times out of 10 I don't even try to do anything, I have a Tommy Gun, a mouse, and high hopes my ping will be nice to me On the off-chance I'm playing serious, as an Inno, I typically try to keep close to either larger groups or small groups with a suspect player or two, but I'll be off somewhere out of sight, around a corner or preferably behind a door. At that point I just wait for shots, a callout, or for a little time to go by before I move. As a T, I just winky face. People love following that sound down narrow hallways and such, and even if they don't, I savor knowing that they can likely do nothing about it, even knowing it's me. As a D... I dunno, when I'm a D I just find myself screwing around. I might occasionally follow my Inno protocol, but the armor makes me feel pretty lazy I guess. Lot less of a risk.
As inno and traitor I play toxic aggressive As Detective, I play like shit cause dets are a trash role where everyone targets you with 1 hit weapons you can't counter.
Buy detective and get radar every round, then stay away from the blips til last. Then T bait ur heart out
Innocent: I look for suspicious people and just wander around the map. Detective: I grab DNA off of corpses that I’m called to. Traitor: I pick off the people that go alone and go from there.
i loophole super hard. I always play aggressive af and try super hard because TTT is all i have left in my life. Also i camp TF outta T-room exits, makes people v mad, just ask @MrUnknownShadow™
death.. lots of death.. Sometimes I will play smart and kill people actually trying to win, and other times I'll just go on a rampage and sing "It's the best day ever" in my head as I massacre a bunch of people with bullets and explosions.
As an inno or a Detective im a numbers guy, whos left Ts gone etc. Traitior im a long con guy and then backstab you, unless I had a bad day at work, then im a knock down, show it off free for all.
inno i follow koses and search for bodies and people doing t acts traitor i snipe people or start to shoot everyone like in the very beginning of the round det i play same as inno
innocent : run around aimlessly and pray hard that i dont die, usually ends up in me getting reared by a tryhard with a normie weapon or getting one-shotted by a sniper traitor : yall know me Spoiler representation of my t buddies whenever im a t because i end up killing all of them and being on my own detective : buy radar, cower in the safest corner of the map (usually somewhere where no one can find me or would plant c4) like the huge pussy that i am until theres like 5 people left and then get blown up by a c4 the moment i step out of my safe zone or eventually a tryhard finds and kills me, if i get any credits i usually just drop a bunch of toilet paper or jack hammers
As an innocent? I throw frag grenades, and i don't warn, and usually get slain. As a traitor? I throw frag grenades and place c4s, usually get reported for killing Ts with c4. As a det? See innocent. I have a problem with not warning.
Ino: run around like a headless chicken, untul I fiind someone I can kill for a validreason. Detecrive: DNA scanner 4 life Traitor: either C4 spam or snipe atm