Answered How long does ban history extend to

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by BryanTehHero2, Apr 3, 2018.

  1. I was just banned for harassment(for talking to my own friends and not using words like faggot and stuff that's actually against the rules) and I can't be fucked to appeal but does the tack on "History" warrant an extra 4 days considering its been almost a YEAR since my last ban for harassment? This is not a ban appeal, just a question. 05/06/17 was my last harassment ban and now I'm getting "History" added on because some mod wants to feel empowered.
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  2. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    Admin discretion.
    Up to us.
    The only bans that truly expired and have SoL is RDM and Leaves.
    However, the rest can be considered into history.
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  3. I guess it's discretion what is harassment. You guys should change that word, i'm not harassing any one if I'm just talking to my friends and they are talking just as rude, and not getting any complaints from any one, I don't see what the problem is. I'm trying to not get banned for once and was doing good until I misclicked and let loose a grenade one night and got banned for that even though I apologized and only one person reported. Now I'm being banned for a mod that just hated me and wanted me gone and used "history" even though it's almost been a year, kind of shaddy. Maybe thats why the servers are so empty compared to how they were, just poor and strict staff.
  4. Siddo

    Siddo Banned VIP Bronze

    Adding onto what Agent A said:
    Another thing that plays into whether a punishment is given as per protocol or extended due to history is the nature of past offenses and general behaviour.

    If you're generally well-behaved, the odds of a bad history being held against you is unlikely.
    If your behaviour is disruptive and or negative, it's a lot more likely that your past would be held against you.
  5. Ban history also really isn't the only thing available to mods and admins, as from what I remember admin notes are present where notes can be added without changing ban history.

    You've had... an interesting record on the servers, and I wouldn't be surprised if your admin notes reflected more recent transgressions which would also be taken into account when choosing to extend or levy a ban, like what happened to you about 2.5 years ago.
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