Killamarshall Abuse

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Bob, Mar 22, 2014.

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  1. Bob

    Bob Member

    Abusive Admin's Name: KillaMarshall

    Reason for report :
    Well, the round started on canyon
    I saw the player Muffin with a silence pistol at the beginning of the round and
    so it escalated to a KOS on him
    I removed the KOS right after nobody acted on it.
    Then Killamarshall in the chat says " KOS can't be removed "
    and I reply with " Yes they could"
    and everyone starts jumping in saying "HE IS THE ADMIN" "HE KNOWS THE RULES" BLAH BLAH BLAH
    and we start talking about it blah blah blah.
    At the end of the round he slays me because muffin was a T and I called a False KOS even though I removed it. about 6 milliseconds
    after killa slays me I start defending myself, INSTANTLY mutes me for and says stop mic spamming.
    But I'm defending my reason that his slay is dumb. (Slayed me for a removing a KOS instantly after I called it).
    While i'm being harassed by him and others (Only harassment because I was doing the same thing they were doing) he is threatening me saying he is going to ban me for harassment.
    I told him that he has to read the rules, etc.
    Right before he bans me a Player says " You shouldn't have been slayed bob"
    I say " I know but these admins don't like to change there decision" or something like that
    then killa jumps in and tells me to let it go and get over it stuff like that during the round I got false slayed,
    I told him " Was anyone typing to you or talking to you" something around that
    then he bans me.

    I wasn't really able to get any other proof because my game crashed after he falsely banned me but I asked muffin to supply me with some. I asked Killamarshall to give me the full chat logs because I said things when Muffin was alive still and in admin chat that I can't remember word to word but Killamarshall told me he can't and doesn't have the screenshots obviously dodging proof to get him demoted.

    Other stupid things he did:
    Muffin to You: i know
    Killamarshall™ {CoNL}: KOSing a T isnt proven
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Muffin: lol
    jewmpaloompa (STEAM_0:1:35909343) has left the server.
    *DEAD* (TEAM) The Gibbinator: WUT
    Killamarshall™ {CoNL}: gibby is being KOSd by double
    Killamarshall™ {CoNL}: proven
    I called two kos's on T's then he calls one on me.
    Then the T's die and then he keeps his KOS on me and says KOSing a T isnt proven
    Then he says someone else is proven for kosing
    I don't think killa likes me.

    The other people who were just acting like they were staff Linus, The Gibbinator, ETC... who had nothing to do with it got really knowing kept interrupting me and I couldn't get my story straight

    As A admin he should know the rules that if you call a KOS and remove it, it's allowed when I played this server in it was allowed to do it. It doesn't say I can't. Nobody in forced the KOS until he said that in chat. Only one who had control of that KOS was muffin and muffin didn't say anything at all.

    I believe Killamarshall should take this as a lesson and read the rules and go back to being a moderator if he fits that spot correctly. He listen to the community more than his self, He didn't allow me to defend myself, He didn't give me the logs, He didn't remove the slay, He muted me for no reason the first time.




    But like I didn't harass anyone at all, If what I did was harassment I think 4 to 5 other players should be demoted.


    some other proof

    *DEAD* (TEAM) Bob (¬‿¬): Explain what am I doing?
    *DEAD* (TEAM) The Gibbinator:
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Semysane: Why do you always bring up people who have been banned
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Bob (¬‿¬): explain?
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Killamarshall™ {CoNL}: mic spamming and arguing with server rules
    (TEAM) AcidSilver: is that how you spell protocol?
    (TEAM) AcidSilver: huh
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Linus: You are continuing to talk about something that has been decided already, stop.
    TTT: Albert Hoffman found the body of WAddup it's MItch. He was innocent.
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Bob (¬‿¬): You need to read the rules killa
    (TEAM) AcidSilver: learn something knew everyday
    *DEAD* (TEAM) $hamwow [ACCEPT_NO_IMITATIONS]: I uh, have to say, I don't think telling someone to drop the subject when the subject is admin abuse is... pertinent?
    *DEAD* (TEAM) The Gibbinator: all of witch are breaking the rules...
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Killamarshall™ {CoNL}: i know the server rules and all the gray areas about our rules
    *DEAD* (TEAM) The Gibbinator: and not arguing with rules only, but an admin...
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Linus: It wasn't about that
    Albert Hoffman: I'm with Gmin42.
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Killamarshall™ {CoNL}: i have been staffing these servers for 790 hours
    TTT: tinyt147 found the body of Hunter. He was innocent.
    (TEAM) AcidSilver: He is trying to prove his innocence
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Killamarshall™ {CoNL}: i know the rules
    TTT: Albert Hoffman found the body of Xeptoss. He was innocent.
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Linus: it was arguing with the rules around "calling and taking back KOSes"
    (TEAM) AcidSilver: HAHA
    jewmpaloompa (STEAM_0:1:35909343) has left the server.
    (TEAM) AcidSilver: HAHAHAHAHA
    *DEAD* (TEAM) The Don: whos a girl
    (TEAM) AcidSilver: chii
    *DEAD* (TEAM) The Gibbinator: my mom
    *DEAD* (TEAM) The Don: oh cool
    Albert Hoffman: I'm with Gmin42.
    (TEAM) AcidSilver: she was eating by the blood god
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Killamarshall™ {CoNL}: what he needs to realize is that not EVERY SINGLE rule is in the MOTD, if they were the MOTD would be 5 pages long
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Bob (¬‿¬): killa go read the rules
    TTT: tinyt147 found the body of The Baron. He was innocent.
    (TEAM) AcidSilver: *eaten
    TTT: The Traitors have been defeated!
    Round state: 4
    TTT: Let's look at the round report for 20 seconds.
    TTT: 3 round(s) or 57 minutes remaining before the map changes to with a votemap.
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Linus: ^'
    AcidSilver: !motd
    *DEAD* Bob (¬‿¬): No
    *DEAD* (TEAM) The Gibbinator: he is an admin and has them memorized
    *DEAD* Bob (¬‿¬): removing a kos that nobody inforced is allowed
    DrMike: dont tell him to read the rules if hes a nadmin
    TTT: Your Karma is 993, so you deal full damage this round!
    TTT: A new round begins in 20 seconds. Prepare yourself.
    Round state: 2
    Server default language is: english
    Albert Hoffman: sry mitch!
    (TEAM) The Gibbinator: he can ban u if he wanted to
    (TEAM) Killamarshall™ {CoNL}: no it isnt bob
    DrMike: idiot
    Heterosethual: Lets all hug each other
    Bob (¬‿¬): Not really
    You are playing Trouble in Terrorist Town, version 2013-07-28.
    2 player(s) bought traitor this round.
    Bob (¬‿¬) was slain.
    You are: INNOCENT
    You are: INNOCENT
    TTT: The Traitors have been selected.
    Round state: 3
    TTT: The round has begun!
    Killamarshall™ {CoNL}: right now is Staff harassment and player Harassment
    You are: INNOCENT
    The Gibbinator: guy me a frag, and i will blow the pipes/
    Heterosethual: I'm with [FC]Serious Mike.
    The Don (STEAM_0:0:50844202) has left the server.
    JusFuhFun: DrMike is a Traitor!
    TTT: Heterosethual found the body of JusFuhFun. He was a Detective.
    AcidSilver: Well the rules dont say you CAN'T call of KOS's but it also doesnt say that you CAN
    Linus: Bob, stop harrassing the mods that donate their time and effort to the server.
    The Gibbinator: buy me a frag, and i will do it
    TTT: Semysane found the body of AcidSilver. He was innocent.
    Attempting to create unknown particle system 'Waterfall_Cascade_01'
    Attempting to create unknown particle system 'Waterfall_Cascade_01'
    TTT: Semysane found the body of Neversaydie568. He was innocent.
    Majestic Pony (STEAM_0:0:8460484) has left the server.
    [FC]Serious Mike: Coletti is a Traitor!
    The Gibbinator: barron, buy me frag ill do it
    You're playing on Serious TTT West 2 | FastDL | Jihad | Harpoon | Pointshop!
    Report staff abuse at
    TTT: Xeptoss found the body of [FC]Serious Mike. He was innocent.
    Muffin: KOS Coletti
    Muffin: KOS Coletti
    $hamwow [ACCEPT_NO_IMITATIONS]: I'm pretty sure David Guba just shot me for 50 damage
    The Gibbinator: i didnt get it
    Muffin: KOS Coletti
    TTT: Rohix found the body of Xeptoss. He was innocent.
    TTT: The Gibbinator found the body of The Baron. He was a Detective.
    TTT: doublerainbow found the body of tinyt147. He was a Detective.
    TTT: Muffin found the body of WAddup it's MItch. He was innocent.
    TTT: Muffin found the body of Ticci Toby. He was innocent.
    Muffin called a Detective to the body of WAddup it's MItch!
    Albert Hoffman: wtf dude
    Muffin called a Detective to the body of Ticci Toby!
    Albert Hoffman: I'm with someone in disguise.
    Join us at !
    Player Bob (¬‿¬) left the game (" "Banned by Killamarshall™ {CoNL} for Staff and Player Haras
    Bob (¬‿¬) (STEAM_0:1:84808658) has left the server.
  2. megaboy

    megaboy I got this game for Fathers day VIP

    Jesus, this is extremely long. You could have just screenshotted all of this. Either way, this has been notified to Killamarshall.
  3. linus

    linus VIP

    I wouldnt call dodging proof is when you dont screenshot logs. Besides its very likley that he couldnt provide console logs because he has to restart Gmod so often, his PC is known to be SHIT.
    Besides, I was there, the first Gag was after you repeatedly called him a "Shitmod" and going on, then you ungaged you and you kept going on about it. Then after that, you starting Pming me with "Your words dont matter shut up,"
    You kept going on calling him a bad mod, and saying he needed to learn the rules, it was clearly harrasment. alot of it took place through the Mic is all.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2014
  4. Killamarshall

    Killamarshall Hmm... interesting.. Smite anyone?? VIP

    You were mic spamming, screaming at players "Where the fuck does it say that" i proceeded to explain to you that not all of the rules are on the MOTD and if they were it wouldn't be one page it would be 5, what linus said is also true, you were bad mouthing me until i gagged you through Voice chat then started biting your tongue while typing because you know, i could screenshot that, i do have to leave everything and restart my computer a lot because my computer is horrible for gaming, and to further note it wasn't only me you were offending you started badmouthing other players as well telling them they were "retarded and don't know anything"
  5. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I want to state that if you call a KOS and retract it, but it still results in the player's death, you are responsible.

    I do think that intentionally seeing a KOS and seeing it called off then following it, would be RDM, because you acknowledged it being called off by saying something like, "you can't ca off KOS's", which is not true. There have been many times where a KOS has been called and called off and no one acts on it.

    Like I said before, if your false KOS results in the player's death, you will be held responsible. If a player acknowledged the call off and continues, they will be held responsible. There have been many times where players accidentally hit a bind, call someone a traitor, call it off, but someone didn't hear or see the call off which results in a slay for the false KOS.
  6. Killamarshall

    Killamarshall Hmm... interesting.. Smite anyone?? VIP

    what he KOS'd him for was a false reason, he KOS'd him for having a silenced pistol (i checked logs and he didn't buy one from what i could see, nor had any of his T buddies) then said nevermind over voice while players shot at Muffin, Muffin being a good player was able to defend himself and go on a Killstreak but nonetheless he was getting shot at because of it.
  7. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Was muffin damaged because of it or did muffin die because of it?
  8. Killamarshall

    Killamarshall Hmm... interesting.. Smite anyone?? VIP

    Damage was not done to muffin first.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2014
  9. Bob

    Bob Member

    Actually no , I never kept calling him a bad mod. I never said he was a bad mod. I typed in chat just one time before the him slaying me killamarshall the badmin. And only thing I said about him after is "if you are a good admin you should no the rules".
  10. Bob

    Bob Member

    No killa stop lying. I said " KOS ON MUFFIN NEVER MIND " because I thought he had a T weapon. Nobody mention the KOS until you said " KOS cant be removed " or something around that. Then everyone started saying "KOS MUFFIN OK KOS MUFFIN" then you said " If muffin gets killed im slaying you" then muffin started killing tons of people and then muffin died and he slayed me. Then he muted me when I tried to defend my self. I didnt even get to say anything because 3 other players were talking over me and he only mutes me.
  11. Bob

    Bob Member

    I never said " Where the fuck does it say that" I said "Where does it say that at!". And removing a KOS , right after I called it is allowed. BTW can you get back on track and tell me why I was banned for harassment? Never got a warning like the rules says or a Kick just got a straight out ban for no reason. because I didn't harass anyone. Only harassment thing like I said was " KIllamarshal badmin"
    1st time - Warning
    2nd time - Kick
    3rd time - Ban 24 hours
    4th time - Ban 5 days
  12. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Personally, even if a KOS is called off, I will usually still follow it. The reason being is that sometimes people will call a KOS, then have doubts about whether what they just saw was traitorous act. Of course, this is purely situational. e.g. I already have suspicion on someone, then someone calls a KOS but then calls it off, stating a reason other than it being an accidental traitor bind hit.

    So there really is no taking back a KOS. If you accidentally call a KOS on someone and immediately retract it, as long as the player you KOS takes damage or gets killed, you can be slain for a false KOS.
  13. Bob

    Bob Member

    But the thing is he killed tons of people after it and I still got slain for it even though I removed and it and he still did traitourous things. It was very dumb. I thought he had a sp but took off the kos then he started killing people not because people were killing him then I get slayed because of it. It's not like im KOS got him killed the KOS wasnt even on him anymore.
  14. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    The thing is, once you've called the KOS, their cover is essentially blown. Any good traitor will then go on as big of a killing spree as they can before they're taken out. The issue is, you still blew his cover without him having first done anything traitorous, and prevented him from playing his round as he would have preferred to.
  15. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Pretty sure that because Muffin started shooting people after the KOS and did something traitorous and his KOS was called off and it didn't result in damage to muffin, then it's not RDM.
  16. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    I have to agree. I do not know the situation, but if Muffin started shooting after the KOS but before someone started trying to kill him, it wouldn't be RDM. There is still Tsu's point, though.
  17. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Or if you see a KOS called off, a good talker will talk everyone out of it. Like, an innocent wouldn't go on a killing spree, so I do as innocents do. Muffin decided to take action with that KOS and started doing traitorous things.

    The reason players might have said, "OK KOS Muffin" was when he actually started shooting people. The same might apply for Killamarshall; they might have said KOS Muffin and Killa just said don't call off that KOS.

    However, as far as spamming goes, that, you are guilty of. You were discussing admin abuse; you were just saying "killa go read the rules" and "learn the rules killa". A discussion would be more than a one line, one subject situation. To make it a discussion, you would have to be asking questions, and trying to make a point. Saying "learn the rules" and not changing your tune is spamming and shows a lack of maturity.
  18. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    Mango, one thing I notice is "Muffin decided to take action with that KOS and started doing traitorous things". That means, if the KOS hadn't been called a whole new set of action may have been undertaken. Therefore, the KOS changed the route of events. I would definitely have slain for that.
  19. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I wouldn't because it didn't MAKE him do anything. Remember how we state that players are responsible for their actions? Muffin decided to take it upon himself to then start killing players. He did have to do it because Bob called a KOS and removed it.
  20. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    And we don't really know if that caused muffin to do that. He may have already made plans to do that. At that point in time, it becomes words vs words, because we can have reasonable doubt that Muffin was already going to do something traitorous.
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