Kinda already been around a little while but still thought i'd make one of these. So yea I live in ohio, I play a lot of gmod, and theys no getting rid of me now so GG on that. Spoiler: Spoiler Welcome to the shit show
Big and weird picture posted without spoiler.. Yeah you're gonna fit right in If you ever need help with anything, you're welcome to ask. See you about!
I had that picture as my background for a bit one time, if anybody came in, saw it, and asked what it was i'd say "That's my uncle Scale, he was over for thanksgiving last week and it was great, poor fella can't breathe like he used to cus o' that damn cigarette."
Played with ya a bunch of times man. Hope to keep playin with ya! also that feel when you realize he's been on the forums for a whole month.