Approved Dancing Crow's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Nickoté, Mar 3, 2018.

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  1. Nickoté

    Nickoté New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:

    Evidence of Innocence:
    I Rdm'ed a couple of guys. I havent played on the server in a while, forgot how things were done.

    I mistook a couple innocent players as T's, I saw them firing at other players so I thought assisting covering fire was ok...

    I saw a man on a roof shooting as well, thought it was ok to hit at him..

    So I am understanding that isn't ok haha, we have to investigate and prove without a reasonable doubt that the suspect is a T.

    I am requesting that the Ban be either lifted or Shortened if possible. thanks.​
  2. Ashes Relandi

    Ashes Relandi ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Weeb Admin of TTT Administrator VIP Silver

    Tagging @iii as they banned you for Mass RDM x4. Please wait patiently for their response.
  3. Nickoté

    Nickoté New Member

    sure no problem, thank you
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2018
  4. Nickoté

    Nickoté New Member

    I reread the rules today, understand them to the full extent, iii I leave it up to you brother, thanks
  5. Nickoté

    Nickoté New Member

    P.S being the servers are the most popular and have an overall enjoyable community I would like if you can further consider lifting my ban. thank you
  6. Nickoté

    Nickoté New Member

    I forgot to state that on the Vanilla server on 2/28 I was banned for an RDM and leaving...I need to address that my game had crashed...cause me to leave and inevitably get banne for that, I was wondering if I may request a lift on that ban as well. thank you. I should recorded it in console which as of recently I just figured out I could do.
  7. Ashes Relandi

    Ashes Relandi ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Weeb Admin of TTT Administrator VIP Silver

    Please be patient while waiting on the response of the staff member.
    Since you have brought up the fact that you want to appeal your other ban, I'm tagging @Sly Blackhood as he banned you for RDM and Leave.
  8. Sly

    Sly Onward and Upward to Greater Glory VIP Silver

    I will gather my Evidence and respond shortly.
  9. Sly

    Sly Onward and Upward to Greater Glory VIP Silver

    Ok thank you for taking the time to appeal on the forums.
    I banned you for this
    as you can see here you damaged me for 42 for no reason at the start of the round. When I attempted to report you almost immediately after I could not because you had left the server. As for your ban you only have a few hours left and you can serve it.
    Appeal: Denied
    Status: Not Voided
    That is all from me I will leave the rest to iii.
  10. iii

    iii eye-eye-eye or triple eye is fine VIP

    My apologies for making you wait, though before I consider unbanning/reducing your ban there are some things to go over.

    Firstly, the reports that were made in time before you got karma banned:
    - Since you got karmabanned none of these could be elaborated on more than the responses you gave, which made all of them RDM since that was all the answers I had.
    Secondly, the damages I didn't report in time:
    At one point on the third round (the one before you got banned), you shot me when I started identifying the bodies in front of the garage/side of the house.

    The next round, besides killing a innocent that was playing with a jihad (though that is a valid reason to kill), you later proceeded to use the jihad, which caused in the death of two other innocents.

    By context, the second report, your reasoning of seeing them shoot other players fits, by the logs and although you didn't remember which kill it was when you answered it, you may have seen that as it was 20 or so seconds before you killed them.

    I want to know the reasonings you had behind them, just describe why you killed them like you did in the appeal itself. Or you could describe the rounds as you remember them, if you don't remember which was which, though the damages are enumerated in the order they happened.
    If it would be more convenient, you can add me on steam and respond there or start a forum conversation with me. But I would like these reasonings before I give a conclusion.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2018
  11. Nickoté

    Nickoté New Member

    1st damage - the gentlemen on the roof i was coming around the corner from the sniper spot, i was a detective, the x-mas snow map. I heard shooting saw him and I felt honestly paranoid and slightly trigger happy mixed with hearing the gun fire I fired off my shot killing him.
    2cd and 3rd damage - which was you iii - I saw you firing I believe. I saw the body and started firing. and i saw him firing, having not the best judgement but thinking if I killed the both of you , one of you had to be a traitor...honestly thinking back at that would of course not fair for the game rules (which i now understand again) but also quite comical you have to admit.

    the jihad bomb round - I was honestly curious if an innocent could detonate that jihad, I thought i was a safe distance....apparently not and I am sorry for that

    and all the mishaps ive caused those rounds
  12. Nickoté

    Nickoté New Member

    I leave it up to guys. my apologies.
  13. Nickoté

    Nickoté New Member

    I appreciate your time.
  14. iii

    iii eye-eye-eye or triple eye is fine VIP

    You actually can kill both people who are in a gunfight(non-detectives), since shooting other players is traitorous, but obviously one of them is going to be innocent.

    Looking back on my recording of the round, I did miss a unided body, which was one of the reasons you gave for killing me, I didn't shoot Pizza though, that was someone else. Pizza Dog did fight my T buddies, which you can see an hear happening in the video, which you could have seen and killed them for, from your position:

    As for the first kill, that is a kill on suspicion, as you heard shooting, but never saw if it was him or if he actually shot torwards other players. The jihad kills were obviously also RDM.
    If you had given those answers to the reports, you would only have been banned for Mass RDM (x3), which is a one day ban.

    I do note however, that you seem to lack bit of knowledge that might have prevented this and that not knowing might cause further RDMs to happen, so I will give some advice:
    • Please respond to reports in game with the reasoning you had for killing them, even if that reasoning is wrong, we need it to be able to investigate if it was or not. Instead of "I thought you are a traitor" what we would want is why you thought so.
    • Please take time to become more familiar with what you are or are not allowed to do, by reading our rules(here) and at the very least give a look over the more in-depth extended rules(here).
    • The jihad situation probably couldn't be avoided without knowing it at first, but if you ever use a jihad in the wrong place or by accident, as long as you do it fast enough, you can stop it from exploding by dropping it (by pressing Q).
    • If you are unsure which of two people fighting is the traitor, you could notice who started it and if it looked to be for no reason, and if that is not possible, you could wait till it ends... though this isn't necessary, it just makes sense.
    All of that out of the way, I don't see the need to keep a ban that probably wouldn't have been this long in the first place, specially since this is your first Mass RDM (4+) ban. I do hope that familiarizing yourself with the rules, and perhaps my other advices can help you not get into these kinds of situations again.
    Your appeal is accepted.
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