Admin moderator abuse.

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by scaleblue, Mar 16, 2014.

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  1. scaleblue

    scaleblue Member

    I was being trapped inside a traitor trap, after a guy had already called out "there is a traitor in the traitor room"
    I told liquidthortum to move twice. he didnt, so i killed him with a crowbar.
    After the round ended I was slayed I asked him why i was slayed.
    Carned {CoNL} left and said nothing.
    ( I was not reported using the report system, because no report popped on my screen)

    The admin Carned {CoNL} just as you can sea in the console log talked with another person who rdmed.

    Somehow when it came too me and liquidthortum, the guy did not talk to me about it.
    he just slayed me, ignored me, then left the server.

    At the very least i want this moderator to be told "Ask the person your slaying what happened"
    and any strikes/warnings on my record removed. ... f4e9bc.jpg :proof he slayed me ... ba96ce.jpg : i tried to get his feedback. ... 34e71f.jpg : I hoped if he was there that he would talk with me before I went above his head. ... e_Log.html
    I cant figure what format is allowed to be uploaded. i got "The extension txt is not allowed." so i posted the link to the log file.
  2. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Regardless of what happened, you killed someone with a crowbar. That action itself is considered RDM and is slayable. When someone blocks you and doesn't let you leave, you inform the person in charge (in this case, Carned) and tell him that you were stuck and that you need a TP.

    Can you also follow the format as well? viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1100
  3. Krys

    Krys Gives Explosive Hugs VIP

    Carned will be notified and will respond at his earlier convenience.

    However, when you are stuck you do NOT kill the person blocking you. That is RDM which is why you were slayed. Next time message staff by typing @stuck in chat, and they will move you when they can (keep in mind staff are sometimes Ts and had just killed someone, so they need time). Nothing will be removed from your stats.
  4. The Seventh

    The Seventh Bloom. VIP

    I do want to add that in your second screenshot, it appears that you tried to explain immediately after you were slain. Carned (moderator, not admin) would not have been able to see you explaining what happened if he was alive, as he cannot see dead chat.
  5. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Okay so you were slain for crowbar damage and made no attempt to ask for a tp.

    Also i watched you crowbar the guy and you two were stood on 67th way by the T Trap waiting to crow and you just crowbarred him (I was in the t room so don't even both lieing)

    So once i died i checked back in the logs and you just crowbarred him for no reason.

    Also i left after the map change due to the heavy lag, if you pressed the TAB button you would have seen i wasn't online so i don't quite see the problem?
  6. scaleblue

    scaleblue Member

    You can all try to twist and lie.
    Blocking someone in a trap when there is a reported traitor in the traitor room is KOSable.

    And as soon as i was told i was being slain i immediately tried to tell him, but the map changed.
    and as soon as the map change was over i asked on the mic why i was being slain.

    Anyway you put it there was no report....
    and he didnt ask me what happened.... he assumed and slayed me..
  7. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Scale, i dont think you understand my point, I was in the t room and you were not in ANY danger, you were outside the T trap area. I watched the events unfold from the T room.
  8. TB Wolf

    TB Wolf VIP

    The issue is that it isn't KOSable, though I agree that it should be, because I guarantee he wouldn't have TPed you if you were stuck in the trap, and you didn't really randomly kill him so common sense would dictate that it's not REAL rdm..... But whatever, it is in the rules.
  9. scaleblue

    scaleblue Member

    What is in the rules?
  10. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    There is nothing in the rules that stipulates you can kill someone for blocking you in a T trap. Therefore what you did is considered RDM, and will be until such a time the rules are changed.
  11. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Guys, he wasnt in the T trap, he was in the room before the T trap. Where you teleport in from the various ones around the map.
  12. TB Wolf

    TB Wolf VIP

    Oh, then his entire argument is pointless :p
  13. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Even if someone was actually at the doorway of the traitor trap and you were stuck in the trap you can either turn around and go back, push them out if the way with the crowbar, or ask the staff members for a TP in Adminchat using @ before your message. It's not traitorous because you have multiple options and there are many different factors that can factor into this like if there is even a traitor in there or how long it had been since the last time the trap was used.

    However, because you weren't even in a location to actually be trapped by the traitor trap, you were slain for RDM and Carned did nothing wrong.

    Topic locked.

    Carned has been found not guilty of the accusations.
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