General Metalcat Johntpr

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by The daycreeper, Mar 10, 2014.

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  1. The daycreeper

    The daycreeper Active Member

    Name of Staff/Player:

    Server: (Which server did this occur on? West, East) west 2

    Time of Occurrence: (Make sure you include your timezone and map with round number if necessary) no clue as alllllways

    Reason For Report: (What did he/she do?) harassment verbal abuse

    Evidence And/Or Witnesses: (Screenshots/Video Recordings/Players That Witnessed The Event) ... /TSM_Dyrus
    Along with many witnesses
  2. The daycreeper

    The daycreeper Active Member

    *Note i was defending my self i had no started anything they started insulting me after i was trying to tell them the rules
  3. PapaVodka

    PapaVodka Big Daddy Overlord Banned

    Do you have screenshots of any in game harassment?
    I'm questioning if you meant to link that Wikipedia page or not..
  4. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    Well, I joined and immediately had both parties complaining about one and other about things that had happened in past rounds. Basically they were both having issues with each other before any staff was online but I had no issues with either of them once I joined the server.
  5. The daycreeper

    The daycreeper Active Member

    The link says it all tbh i said something then they kept saying i sucked dick i came up with it etc and no it was all via voice game time 77 something can confirm hunTER as well and some others
  6. The daycreeper

    The daycreeper Active Member

    I also got called a fag and queer 5+ times from metal cat
  7. TB Wolf

    TB Wolf VIP


    What YOLO SWAG 420 BLAZE IT / TSM Dyrus failed to explain was that the wikipedia link was made by general, and it is about him. They were joking in chat after Dyrus made some retort that related to cocksucking and homosexuals, so General replied "You must be an expert on the origin of cocksucking if you know that homosexuals started it first" or something like that. The train of thought didn't go on for too long, but apparently he made a wikipedia page about it and told others it was there.

    (Just some background information, idk much else about it, was alt tabbing a bit while it was going on)
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