Hopefully you all enjoyed the holidays. Even though this is late I decided to do a giveaway for a steam game of your choice. Though I am limiting the game to a max of $30. Just one thing I wanted to point out though is that steam isn't exactly the nicest when it comes to gifting to other regions. So keep in mind that I might not be able to gift you the game of your choice if you live outside of the U.S. I know I can get it from another site instead but I already have the funds in my account. Which is unfortunate for this giveaway but I'll try my best to see if I can get you anything. If nothing works then I'll just have to re-roll the giveaway and try someone else. Which would suck but I'll probably gift you a rank to give you something. Anyways just give this post a confusing rating and you will be entered. Giveaway ends on this Friday at 10pm EST. Good luck to you all.
I'm almost 90% sure you can gift steam cards via the current steam homepage no matter the region. If that helps!
Gotta get that new Wolfenstein You can, but it adjusts for different currencies. If you get $30 worth of gift cards in England, you get £22.46, which still may not be enough to get the $30 game And $30 is €25.26, so just keep that in mind, EU folk