Ban appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by The daycreeper, Mar 10, 2014.

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  1. The daycreeper

    The daycreeper Active Member

    Your In Game Nickname: Tsm dyrus
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:west 2

    Why should you be unbanned: I was told i was last inno i then kill everyone as a traitor did say i was the last inno. I told wolf that he said i was the last inno, and he should be slain not I as he false kos'd I then told him i was leaving as he was harassing me via voice chat telling me i was in the wrong. I was not going to tolerate being insulted via my intelligence and get falsely slain
    Evidence of innocence:

    Note: You can get information about your ban from bans
    Donators, VIP's, VIP +, Mod or Admins do not get special treatment in a case
  2. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    If you are told you are the last innocent and nobody else challenges that statement, then you are in the right to kill everyone you see.

    Wolflord will respond at his earliest convenience.
  3. The daycreeper

    The daycreeper Active Member

    No one said anything Thanks Event
  4. TB Wolf

    TB Wolf VIP

    Hello TSM Dyrus.

    It appears that I was in the wrong about the slay, and I apologize. I will unban you and void it on your record, as I wasn't aware of what the rules were about the whole "You're the last innocent thing" and was fairly sure that since the other T didn't do anything, that it was RDM. It's good to have this corrected.

    However, about the harassment: I didn't harass you, I told you why I was slaying you and the reasoning behind it. I've never really even been rude to you, I don't know what you have against me or why you've been rude to me today, but note that I never insulted you a single time, even when you were rude to me in PMs on Dolls after I mistakenly killed you(Which I slayed myself for).

    Verdict: Unbanned.

    Thank you for clarifying that rule Event Horizon, and I apologize for falsely slaying you Dyrus, I wasn't aware that it was fine to kill on sight everyone after a T lets you know you're the last innocent. I will keep this in mind for future cases.

    Topic locked as this issue is resolved.
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