See you guys in a week!

Discussion in 'Farewells' started by Enigmatica, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Just letting you all know that I will be gone for about a week. I'm going off to Georgia to visit my brother in the Army with my family. I will most likely also not be available on the forums, but we will see.

    Take care everyone! :)

    P.S. I will be in the East 2 server for as long as possible with the AFK tag in my name.
  2. Marz

    Marz Member

    Ol' Sandhill? (Ft. Benning) - hopefully your brother is there for Infantry.

    Whys the sky blue?
    Because God loves the energy.

    But seriously, Georgia is terrible :p
  3. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Yes it's Fort Benning. He's there for his training and when he is done, he will be shipped off to Italy. He is indeed in the Infantry.
  4. Marz

    Marz Member

    I'm jealous, he's going to love Italy. What unit is he with over there?
  5. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Im not sure yet, but I will ask him when I see him tomorrow and let you know!
  6. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Actually he is going to Germany. He is in the 2nd 54th infantry unit. I will be back on the server on Monday night! :D :D :D
  7. Amazing

    Amazing Veteran Member

    Can't wait for you to come back and blast my head off!
  8. PapaVodka

    PapaVodka Big Daddy Overlord Banned

    I have tons of friends in Italy. Maybe they'll get to know each other. : D
    As for you mama Event, I will miss you. :c
    Take care and enjoy your time with your bro.
  9. urisk2

    urisk2 ~Rawr~ I'm a polar bear VIP

    way to respond 5 days after OP vodka... geez.

    he will be back by the end of the weekend....
  10. PapaVodka

    PapaVodka Big Daddy Overlord Banned


  11. Going down to Georgia, in a bind, way behind, willing to make a deal?
  12. RhazhBash

    RhazhBash Professional Button Presser VIP

    i play viola, close enough to make that song a reality.
  13. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    I am back, guys! IDK if I will be on the server tonight because I am really tired, but I am now fully available on steam and forums! :)
  14. Amazing

    Amazing Veteran Member

    Aaaaaaaay! How was Europe?
  15. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    I was in Georgia, lol. And I stated that he is instead going to a base in Germany. He also contracted for the Old Guard, and if he meets the PT score requirements, he will end up going to Washington D.C. instead.

    It was warm and fun. The drive down, we took a detour (from Michigan) to North Carolina to visit my aunt and uncle, then went to Georgia. We drove up, down, and through mountains and it was so beautiful!
  16. megaboy

    megaboy I got this game for Fathers day VIP

    Sounds like you had a great time, and warm weather! :D
  17. The Seventh

    The Seventh Bloom. VIP

    The Appalachians are beautiful. I live in NC and we go at least once a year, the view and wildlife there is amazing.

    Welcome back!
  18. Amazing

    Amazing Veteran Member

    I have to to New York and Mass to really get into the mountains. Theres only a tiny portion of the AT in CT