Okay so yesterday i was banned for eight hours for mic-spam and i took it but for some reason when i got off from playing today i came back and i was banned for five days! i wasnt mic spamming after my eight hour ban nor did i even RDM and leave Admins and owners please explain or unban me because i have no idea what i did wrong EDIT; I left on my T round after i killed someone because i had to buy groceries probably that's the reason why EDIT No.2; Highwon and Killamarshal was on also
wolf i really didnt want to ban, but i was asking you about a RDM you did and you left right in the middle of me talking to you, so i had no choice
im sorry i had to leave because my dad usually always wants me to respond or do whatever he wants me to do i apologize that i had to leave but i didnt know.
now i know thanks, but will i be unbanned my brother (the older one) will murder my face if he knows i got banned..
yea i can unban, like i said i didnt want to, please tell me when your going to leave next time send me your steam ID
Ur steam id isn't TheWolf, Go into a different server and type status and get your steam id. Or go to steamidfinder.com and type in the link to your steam profile in the url, And get your stream id.