Approved ButtChum's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by ButtChum, Nov 26, 2017.

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  1. ButtChum

    ButtChum New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    mods didnt listen or help me when i called for RDM but punished me with slays. few accidental kills from people calling KOS or having them shoot near me. This was my first time actually playing on any TTT servers so i wasnt clear on all the rules / game mode.​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    guilty for RDM? friends tried to explain rules to me before i played but i didnt understand fully cause English isnt my first language​
  2. Dolph1n

    Dolph1n Time is an adventure- if you know when to look. VIP

    Hey, you were banned by @FaeThorn for your third offense of RDM and Leave, which was globalized and extended by @Chris. They'll respond at their earliest convenience, so hang tight.
  3. Chris

    Chris Custom Title VIP Bronze

    You were also banned by @Panda With a Gun for RDM and Leave 2nd of EU2 and @HelixSpiral for RDM and Leave 1st on Vanilla as I have been informed that you wish to appeal all 3 bans.
  4. ButtChum

    ButtChum New Member

    I wish to appeal all 3 bans. I only rdm and leave because i did not know about rdm and not to leave, since ive have my friends explain the rules to me so i will not have any violations again. I am sorry for the trouble i have caused i just didnt have any explanation to the problem / rule i broke only insta kill
  5. neutral

    neutral VIP


    I banned you for the following report:

    You left the server before answering the report:

    Do you remember why you killed Zionova with a shotgun and then immediately left?

    For reference, this was the first ban you received on the US Vanilla server.

  6. ButtChum

    ButtChum New Member

    Zionova had been sus and made me believe he was a tratior by shooting near and, and i didnt know about leaving with the report i accept an invite to another server mid round
  7. neutral

    neutral VIP

    He was a detective. A detective can not be a traitor therefore above suspicion.

    I'm going to deny my portion of the appeal. Keep in mind however, that my portion is a local ban, not global. So if your other appeals are successful then my ban will only limit your access to Vanilla for 5 days.

  8. Panda With a Gun

    Panda With a Gun CHINA NUMBA ONE Administrator VIP Emerald

    I’ll post my evidence for my ban once I can.
  9. FaeThorn

    FaeThorn Be friendly, You can always change someones life VIP

    Hello and thanks for your appeal! I will present my evidence on why i banned you!
    This is when you left before serving your slay.


    This is the report that you where slain for.


    This is the damage log. Random damage/miss-clicks is still RDM.


    As of this is my reason to banning you.

    As of this I will conclude my side and ask a question before I decide my final report.

    What tells me that you will change your ways from this happening again?
  10. Amatsu

    Amatsu Emerald

    I remember this. I recall him being a dick over voice chat as well, though I wasn't recording and being a dick isn't really a rule violation. He also commited two RDMs against me, one for that 50 damage, and another that killed me in the following round. Both were reported of course.
  11. Panda With a Gun

    Panda With a Gun CHINA NUMBA ONE Administrator VIP Emerald

    Hello @ButtChum I banned you for this report:
    [​IMG]You did not respond to this report with any reasoning as to why you killed Mo, which lead to your ban after your leave
    However if you would be willing to serve the slay I would allow that without voiding your ban.
  12. ButtChum

    ButtChum New Member

    I am sorry for leaving before my slays ive new to gmod / ttt servers in general. I have since played on a few other TTT servers and realized how shitty they are compared to serious. I will accept all of my slays and take the punishment in game if i am allowed back.
  13. ButtChum

    ButtChum New Member

    Still banned for 25 days on east 2, severed my punishment for panda with a gun and am willing to take the 5 day ban. Just waiting on my final response from FaeThorn i think.

    "What tells me that you will change your ways from this happening again?"

    i just wanna play on cool gmod servers again
  14. FaeThorn

    FaeThorn Be friendly, You can always change someones life VIP

    Hello @ButtChum sorry for the long response as i have been busy.
    As I have thought long and hard about it I will remove your ban.
    I trust what you say and will remove the ban. As i trust you have learned from this mistake. I recommend reading our Extended Rules so this does not happen again.
    Thank you ban accepted.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2017
  15. Panda With a Gun

    Panda With a Gun CHINA NUMBA ONE Administrator VIP Emerald

    With two of your bans accepted and one denied I am going to go ahead and finish this appeal. As Fae said please review the extended rules and make sure to avoid these types of things as they can easily be avoided.

    Appeals: Accepted
    Bans: Not voided
    Thread: Locked

    If you have any other questions send me or anyone else who handled this report a message.

    Thank you and have a good night.
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