Banned; RDM and Leave.

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Bombuster3, Mar 2, 2014.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname: xTcR | Bombuster3
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server: West.

    Why should you be unbanned: Accidentally RDM'ed a traitor due to lack of evidence (apparently blood stains, screaming, and him running away from the scene of the crime isn't enough), stuck around for most of the round. Talked over the mic that I had to leave, typed out a notice, yet still got my ass banned for RDM and Evade. I'm sorry, I can't leave my computer idle as I'm leaving for a speech and debate meet for a few hours- I was on a tight schedule.

    Evidence of innocence: TL;DR. Didn't RDM for "no good reason", stuck around as long as I could before I was up for another debate round. Not like I delibrately RDMed and Evaded.
  2. The Law

    The Law You fought the law and the law won. VIP Silver Emerald

    You were banned by Shadowdragoon66 for RDM & Leave. This staff member has been notified, and will respond at their earliest convenience.
    When you are slayed you must stay the whole round or it`s considered RDM & Leave. However, if you had notified staff and given a good reason why you need to leave while slain, then you would not be banned. It sounds like you did attempt to tell them this, but make sure you get an okay from a staff member before you leave the game.
  3. shadowdragoon66

    shadowdragoon66 hic sunt draconis VIP

    Give me a chance to go back over the logs of the incident. As for you telling me that you needed to leave, I must have missed that and I apologize, I have the annoying habit of constantly looking over the logs because instances of rdm do not always get reported and I like to keep an eye out for things like that. I will look over the logs involving this incident and get back to you on my verdict. I know Wolflord was a bit upset about it and might not have realized that you were near enough to see him.
  4. Fair enough. Thanks for checking up on my dilemma! does one message staff though? It would be a handy bit of knowledge to know. :p
  5. The Seventh

    The Seventh Bloom. VIP

    You can message a staff member either through pm (!p name message) or through admin chat (@message).
  6. shadowdragoon66

    shadowdragoon66 hic sunt draconis VIP

    Out of curiousity, you say you saw him running away from the scene. Did you have to chase him down for a little bit? The logs show that you had killed him 13 seconds after he had last killed someone and that no one had identified the body between Wolflord's kill and you killing him for it.

    Sorry if the image is a little blurry and hard to read. The image editing program that I use is being stubborn and isn't resizing the white area to fit to the image.
  7. Yeah, he was almost out of my line of fire. Managed to snag off a long, aimed burst with the M16 for the kill though.
  8. shadowdragoon66

    shadowdragoon66 hic sunt draconis VIP

    The logs show you killing him with the honey badger, not the M16.
  9. My bad-
    Accidentally read the weapon he was using. :p
    But yeah, I snagged off a good burst to take him down. Why chase when you can shoot?
  10. shadowdragoon66

    shadowdragoon66 hic sunt draconis VIP

    True, but the logs don't tell the whole story so that is why I ask the questions I do. The main thing I wanted to know is that if you had seen Wolflord kill Gamemasterj, why didn't you id his body or do any damage to Wolflord until 13 seconds later. I understand why you didn't get Wolflord until 13 seconds later, but why didn't you identify Gamemasterj's body? Was it simply because you didn't want to lose track of Wolflord? I know how easy it can be to elude pursuers on Intergalactic.
  11. Pretty much. I easily saw that the friendly detective was dead, and I didn't really feel like letting the guy who did kill him get away with such an action. hindsight, I should've ID'ed the body first to avoid being falsely accused, but we all think in the moment I suppose.
  12. shadowdragoon66

    shadowdragoon66 hic sunt draconis VIP

    After going over the logs in more detail today and clarifying the situation with you I have determined you were within the rules with your actions. I apologize that I had not noticed your message about having to leave, if I had seen it, I definitely would not have banned you. While I understand that most people react to the situation by acting in the moment, I find that it is sometimes safer to cover your own tracks in instances such as this even if that means possibly losing track of the traitor.

    Verdict: Unbanned
  13. TB Wolf

    TB Wolf VIP

    Just a note since you're throwing around words like "Falsely accused", you definitely didn't chase me down. You said that you killed me for hearing the screams, but you never saw the body. There was a dead detective dead in a room, then as I was walking out of the room, you and a different detective were there. You decided that I had been the cause of the screams you had heard, and you shot me even when there were multiple exits to the room, and you hadn't seen the body actually in the room yet.

    I'm fine with you being unbanned, but please refrain from lying to make me look bad and you look like you were falsely accused, because you admitted it over voice chat that you killed me off of me being heavily suspicious from the noises that you heard.
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