Fever didnt bother to read the Rdm report, slayed me twice

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by brymaster4, Feb 25, 2014.

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  1. Title as it reads, after I got an rdm report from another player (Fuzzy something) , I told him that I shot him for shooting another player. He told me that the player he shot was KOS, but I couldn't hear over the mic spam, and took the random shooting as a traitorous act (I was hidden from his view). After I responded back, I was slayed for 2 rounds for apparent "rdming for mic spam", which was blatantly wrong.
    Fever shouldn't be a mod if hes not responsible enough to read the actual reports that are sent to him.
    Heres the pic of said comment by Fever : http://imgur.com/71SBHVL
  2. mleynek19

    mleynek19 VIP

    Re: Fever didnt bother to read the Rdm report, slayed me twi

    even after all the confusion, what you did is considered RDM

    that is what just about every mod/admin is about to tell you
  3. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Re: Fever didnt bother to read the Rdm report, slayed me twi

    Not necessarily. If a player is shooting at another player, even if the person who they are shooting is called out, they can be killed for it. Under traitorous acts it States that shooting towards other players is one of them.

    The only way that this would be RDM is if fuzzy was not shooting, which would be confirmed by damageinfos in our manager, or if fuzzy shot and killed the person, ID'd them as traitor and 5 seconds or so later, he shoots and kills him.
  4. PapaVodka

    PapaVodka Big Daddy Overlord Banned

    Re: Fever didnt bother to read the Rdm report, slayed me twi

    Fever will reply at her earliest convenience so we can get her input on this as well.
  5. Re: Fever didnt bother to read the Rdm report, slayed me twi

    As I saw it (Dolls upper ledge overlooking the shelf) He just turned and shot a guy off the shelf. Its a weird situation, yes, but not 2 slays worth of rdm that I didnt commit.
  6. Fever


    Re: Fever didnt bother to read the Rdm report, slayed me twi

    Hello brymaster! I informed you that the second slay was not from me but rather from Urisk I believe. So you'll have to talk to him about that one.

    I specifically remember the response saying "I randomly shot because he was mic spamming". I had several reports flowing in at once and it was one of the last rounds in the map. I most likely got the reports mixed up and matched the wrong logs and responses.

    I'm deeply sorry for the inconvenience. I'll make sure to add a note on your adminstats asking to disregard the slay I gave you.
  7. Re: Fever didnt bother to read the Rdm report, slayed me twi

    Thank you for the reply. I understand that with 30 12 year olds on the same server things get pretty hectic, and all is forgiven.
  8. Fever


    Re: Fever didnt bother to read the Rdm report, slayed me twi

    Thank you for being patient :)

    Topic Locked. Reason: Issue Resolved.
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