Those 'valid' reports

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by CorallocinB, Jul 30, 2017.

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  1. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    You know the ones.

    The only business I have with bringing these up is the fact that they're outrageously invalid. Why are they invalid?


    That's why. @XpropIayer I am not necessarily blaming you for this nonsense that occurred, however some people in the staff right now need to get their shit together. I am not sure who exactly validated these reports, but they need a talking to. I'm not even trying to use any sway as a former admin myself with this situation. I am speaking directly about the rules of the forums and how they were just blatantly disregarded with this issue.

    • 3. Harassment - don't harass or disrespect other members of the forum (start "flame-wars",name-call,curse out, etc.).

    He clearly wasn't offended. He said so himself. He may have pulled a fast one on the staff members and now it's a sour looking situation, but are you trying to either:

    1. Disregard the entire matter because this flip flopping of valid to invalid will undermine the credibility of the staff


    2. Stuck in your situation where you're voiceless because you refuse to counteract the upper administration about this problem when if it gets solved restores credibility, but not precedent history.

    This is some of the worst report management I've seen in my 3 years here and I am baffled that it occurred and the fact it's not being overturned has to make me question just exactly what is the staff involved with these reports doing? Honestly, this is downright shameful to see... This is the kind of shit that gives people ammo to actually make fun about the staff team right now and how they're managed. This situation needs to be addressed properly or else you'll only create more nonsense for yourselves. There needs to be justice and not abuse of power or laziness to take care of the problem. You people are staff for a reason and that's to ensure that the rules are followed and punishment is dealt with copious amounts of evidence and resolve. I don't give a fuck if you had these invalid at first and you swapped them to valid. What matters is they should ultimately be invalid. Whatever path you take to make this happen may be rough, but this is absolutely disgraceful if it's unaddressed.

    There's a point in this where I may take it a step further, but we'll see about timing. At this point staff need to own up to their faults and invalidate all of those reports. You people need to get a handle on how to handle harassment which is apparently "wild fire" in the year 2017.

    With how you've reacted to this whole situation Im giving you just as much blame as any staff member who validated those reports. The fuck is your problem?
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2017
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  2. neutral

    neutral VIP

    Hey Robokiller,

    I understand the concern here, and trust me, staff understands it as well.

    Let me explain the harassment a bit, and provide some context as well with the comment you have quoted.

    This originally stemmed from users, being asked appropriately by Xpro, to discontinue using this term as out of the very few things that offends him- and furthermore, he mentioned that if people continued that reports would be filed- in which you’re seeing here.

    When a user expresses displeasure in being called whichever term, and then users continue to poke fun and abuse this, it has always been treated as harassment. This isn’t something that’s new at SGM and harassment against our playerbase is something that we have always enforced for. For this reason, these reports were marked Completed. They absolutely fell in the realms of harassment. For these reports, an informal warning to discontinue harassment at the time- in which some users decided to continue.

    As far as the following comments made by Xproplayer, these were made after the reports were concluded and near the end of the drama that occurred in shoutbox. In light of the further comments however, Xpro was given the ultimatum to begin a thread to explain why this term is offensive him and explain the history in the past- or staff will no longer enforce it. He decided to drop it. All shoutbox bans were also immediately reversed at this conclusion.

    However, it still stands that the players ignored Xpro’s wish to discontinue using this term and continued to do so. Furthermore however, Xpro has also been given a final warning against instigating the situation and this situation is absolutely not being ignored by the staff team.

    While taken in bits of pieces this may seem silly, confusing and odd- when taken as a whole, when a someone asks you to stop making fun of them, you need to stop making fun of them.
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  3. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    Ok so at the time it was considered harassment, but it's clearly not harassment now. However, because it was considered harassment at the time they're valid still?

    I'll bring up a precedent used on reports/appeals. Things like hacking bans are reversed most often. How do they not fall into the same category? The staff who validate these kinds of reports at first learn from their mistakes and invalidate or reverse their decisions. As it stands it seems like those users have active warnings on them currently GIVEN the fact the reports are valid still.

    No punishment was actually dished out as the punishments being the bans were reverted, however if there's any sanity left you follow precedent and reverse the decisions. These reports are used on how to handle situations in the future like this and if they're left valid it'll cause issues.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2017
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  4. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    At this point, flip flopping the verdicts on a report isn't really gonna accomplish anything. While there wasn't any context given in the reports themselves, the members who were reported absolutely knew what they were doing when they continued to poke fun, therefore the reports are technically valid. On the other hand, we realized it was pretty petty/marginal harassment so the validity of the reports only resulted in informal warnings to basically tell everyone to "knock it off." There were no formal warning points given.

    I 100% agree with you that the whole ordeal looks ridiculous, but Helix summed it up pretty well. If you continue to poke fun after being warned to stop, it's harassment by our current standards.

    In the end, we tried to appease all parties involved to the best of our abilities. Sometimes that's not the easiest thing to do.
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  5. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    That's fair.

    That's what I like to hear.

    Then the last thing that I'd like to get out of this post is hopefully though you all decided to fix your mistakes you surely addressed them with the staff involved to not pull the trigger so quickly. Also to work on the harassment definition better on whether to enforce it or not in these situations because this is an absolute shit show. If a staff member can't handle harassment that needs to be addressed in that if a harassment issue appears someone ELSE take over. This should never have happened. In any case I'll take this statement as an official invalidation of those reports seeing as it's such a burden to change their tags.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2017
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  6. Boomshakalaka

    Boomshakalaka VIP Bronze

    @XpropIayer said that I was a dumb*ss, which is harassment on a report for harassment! Why didn't he get a warning?
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  7. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    y'all act like fucking goldfish. One of you starts bleeding for no reason and you all attack the wound until it's a big mess of gills blown out of proportion.
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  8. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    goldfish have a 3 second memory span though
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  9. News Network

    News Network broken VIP

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  10. Adrian Shephard

    Adrian Shephard VIP Silver

    first time i agree with robos
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  11. Xproplayer

    Xproplayer VIP Silver

    Can no one read? I said, that insult doesn't offend me much BUT IT OFFENDS ME MORE THAN OTHERS. The fact is about 12 hours before everything went down Yatty was calling me that every time he said my name, so maybe 5 times within an hour. This annoyed me but I ignored it. Then he kept using it the next day, so I asked him not to say it. Then of course because you tell someone not to jump off a bridge, they're going to jump off a bridge. This leads to me requesting the staff to put a stop to it because it was annoying, not to mention it literally became group trolling. Maybe I'm not the best example, but what if this had happened to another community member, say we accidentally found their nickname they were called in middle school while being bullied or whatever. Would you get mad at the staff team for helping out that member not get harassed (grammar aids). The fact is xpoo does still annoy me, but I kind of got a bit desensitized with how much it was used, so Kasta said basically this is getting out of control too many people are trying to abuse the system or getting banned, could you please post the background or attempt to get over it. I started typing up the background but realized that it was just giving away too much personal information, so I thought about it and realized that I could go ahead and deal with it or at least pretend to. So the administration stopped enforcing it because again, everyone was told not to jump off a bridge and they did so.

    tl;dr what if this happened to someone else, and what part of "dont do ___" does everyone feel obligated to do ____

    edit also: [​IMG]
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2017
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  12. News Network

    News Network broken VIP

    I thought you were a "memer". You dissapoint.
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  13. Xproplayer

    Xproplayer VIP Silver

    I thought you were a good toxic ex staff. You (n)
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  14. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    We need administrators who are ready to put their foot down on certain issues. You've got to figure out what harassment is and stat because aint nobody got a fucking clue. Are we so snowflakey that we cater to people who get their feelings hurt? This is the internet, and I hear worse shit while playing on the servers. You all act like someone saying xpoo is on the same level as someone saying Ni****, when it's not. Get your dicks out of the sand and do your fucking job. I love all of you, but I am super disappointed with how lenient the staff team is. They are so afraid of hurting feelings that they forget that they aren't the feeling police. Moderators and Admins are not social justice warriors. They are here to inforce the rules, and sometimes take action when the system is being abused. The whole point of having admins is for times when the system is being abused. Admins are meant to step in and apply changes to a broken system, and break the protocol in special cases.

    If you take anything from this, take the line I highlighted thanks. Also sidenote, get your shit together theinkern. 35 hours in pubg and only 5 hours in gmod? You realize you have a trial moderator right? He's probably whooping your ass in terms of hours. You've already gone on to fuck up his training phase by not being there for him. You've ruined my team, and many of them have told me how you really are. If you can't be an admin, let someone else take the reigns. It's sad when people pretend to give a shit, but really don't.

    also not kidding

    Last edited: Jul 31, 2017
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  15. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    dad please
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  16. Alpha Wolfy

    Alpha Wolfy Nocturnal VIP

    I love you.
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  17. Xproplayer

    Xproplayer VIP Silver

    Some nicknames may mean absolutely nothing yet bring up bad memories for people, it's not like the admins are saying no one can use the word "cunt" or something anymore. Its the admins saying if a specific player requests one nickname not to be used, then that should be respected.
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  18. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    is it harassment if I make fun of xpro for having thin skin like a soft fruit, perhaps a tomato or a peach.
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  19. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    My last name has brought me a plethora of creative "nicknames" throughout the years with . Anything from "tinkle winkle little star" to "wink" to "tinky winky boy" has been used and I used to loathe it to a point where I just hated my name at some point in my prepubescent years during middle school. These all bring plenty of bad memories for me.

    At some point, don't know when, I just started to stop caring and embraced it by having some fun with it. I learned you stop caring and giving the reaction people desire, they'll stop trying and go elsewhere. Sometimes a little dose of "I'm the bigger person" is needed.

    I took my sexual harassment training a few weeks before coming up to camp. My memory is rough, but if I recall correctly sexual harassment cases are often looked under the scope of "does the victim see this as sexual harassment and does an outside person with common sense see this as sexual harassment". It's only a valid claim if both see it as sexual harassment, thus the way it was done here with @Guilty as the mediator of "outside person with common sense".

    The only words I have for the whole situation at hand valid or invalid is petty on all sides, and we should just learn and move on from this whole fucking shebang.
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  20. Good Noodle

    Good Noodle VIP Silver

    If you were shit on as a kid or something, I hope you get over it, tough life man (y)
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