5 day ban for "Mass RDM" during the round ?...

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Resyled, Feb 14, 2014.

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  1. Resyled

    Resyled New Member

    Name: ๖Resyled
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:5871328
    Server: East TTT

    I should be unbanned because the ban to begin with was unreasonable, I killed two people, only one of which could have been RDM. Both people I shot did damage to me prior to me killing them. After that I stuck around, I didn't want to kill myself I had low HP anyway, so I stuck around and waited. I managed to get one shot off on a T who was far away, who was using the Traitors sniper rifle. After that I got my sights on some other guy but didn't fire at him, I wasn't sure how many people were left and he didn't have a traitor weapon. Very shortly after I was banned for 5 days.

    Evidence: I don't really know how I'm supposed to have any "evidence" considering I was banned DURING the round that this happened, which is complete bullshit. Everything I say is just what I can remember, I didn't have a chance to grab my own damage log or find out if I actually deserved to get shot at to begin with. Just a 5 day ban with no PM from and admin or anything, then I'm ignored on Steam when I try and find out what the hell I even actually did.

    I've been playing quite a bit on this server, I enjoy the weapons and non-completely-ridiculous skins, and never had any real problems in the past aside from being slayed for some pretty stupid reasons. So a 5 day ban out of the blue for something you could have just talked to me about and slayed me for.. is pretty disappointing. Hope I can at least have a damage log posted so I have some idea of what the hell happened ?
  2. You were banned by POP STAR
    He will reply to this at his earliest convenience.
  3. Resyled

    Resyled New Member

    He's too busy playing with the person I shot in the server I was banned from.

    I would use Steam to contact him and let him know there's a thread he needs to review, but I'm being ignored.
  4. I will contact POP STAR and let him know
  5. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I have contacted him on Steam. He will reply shortly; please be patient.

    POP STAR have a nice day VIP Emerald Bronze

    Hey Resyled! Hope you're Resyling your recyclables!

    I banned you for MASS RDM, as seen here:

    *I wasn't ignoring you! I wasn't really aware of this. I was browsing the forums and barely saw this, haha.

    Resyled, you were doing prop-damage and blatantly rdm'ing without any staff on. I was moderating West 1 and was asked to come over after you killed Thumped with a prop. Please do not try to feign innocence, as the damage logs prove otherwise:

    Thanks for appealing, and I'd like to recommend our two other servers to you: West 1 and West 2!

    Your ban will not be lifted due to sufficient and provided evidence of guilt.

    I prefer bacon not sausage,

  7. Resyled

    Resyled New Member

    Uh, according to your 'damage log' I did 191 damage to one person before killing them ?

    I was subsequently attacked by someone else, which does not show up here, and killed him with a barrel for lack of ammunition.

    They didn't hit me once ?... how exactly is it I ended up with 30 some health at the end of all this ?...

    This isn't even remotely what I would consider a "Mass RDM"

    huehue you're so cute and original.

    You mean this shitty damage log that doesn't even make any sense ? Unless information has been removed, or isn't displayed for whatever reason, this log is wrong.

    Go ahead and tell me it isn't all you want, whatever you posted is incorrect.
  8. Angelx

    Angelx Always Innocent VIP

    damage logs showed you did 500 damage with a prop.

    and tons of attempted prop killing.

    The damage logs is buggy when you do prop damage, sometimes the damage is over exaggerated, but you certainly did damage non the less.
  9. Resyled

    Resyled New Member

    I don't think you really understand, this log doesn't make any sense from what I can remember happening, and according to Pop he wasn't even around to see it happen.

    Thumped was hanging out by himself in the same spot he'd been 4 previous rounds, I was passing the time throwing barrels around, if I damaged him the amount was incredibly low and I doubt it was even 5 like the log states. Then, according to the log, I hit him twice, for 50 damage but did not kill him... Uhhh, what ? I assume at this point he's already shooting at me (which doesn't show up at all) because this is the only reason I shot back. Why doesn't this show up?

    Then someone comes along after I ID the body and start shooting, I start chucking barrels at him but he disappears, I told him over the mic that I shot him because he attacked me but I don't think I got a response. He then appeared to my right and with a sort of knee-jerk reaction I hit him with the barrel I had (which I totally agree deserved a slay or something, I think he was trying to look at the guy I shot)

    I'm not going to argue anymore, I know that log is wrong, I know this ban is bullshit. There are plenty of other servers and games to play. This just really bothered me.

    For curiosity sake, Pop, I'd love to know how long you've been an admin.
  10. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Damage done with props is usually out of proportion to the actual damage that was done. If you were, in fact, prop damaging someone, it is RDM, regardless.

    I also want to state that it shouldn't matter how long POP STAR has been a moderator.
  11. Killamarshall

    Killamarshall Hmm... interesting.. Smite anyone?? VIP

    i think i am going to lock this.

    POP STAR provided sufficient evidence and your ban will stay.
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