Favourite movie of all time is a tough question to answer. However my favourite movie that has been released recently would have to be John Wick 2. The recurring theme of honour among criminals is what really makes the movie great, not just the action scenes. Spoiler: Spoilers if you havent seen John Wick 2 What's also great is that the film implied that everyone in John Wick's world is aware of the criminal activities around them or is involved with it in a way and that they respect these criminals.
small soldiers cuz i love it when the dad says "what u packn tiny?" and the soldier says "packn? packn you!" lololololo
Thanks for the giveaway babe. I really like Dexter, the tv show. I dig the criminal shows for some reason.
Favorite movie would have to be Monty Python and the Holy Grail, because it is such a classic and it gets me every time.
Having to draw early because of being busy later Entries were drawn by random number generator, from between 2 - 27. Winners were #5 and #14 @Siddo & @Destiny Blade congratulations, Check your inboxes <3