Denied ImM3NsE PaNDa's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by ImM3NsE PaNDa, Jun 22, 2017.

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  1. ImM3NsE PaNDa

    ImM3NsE PaNDa New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    ImM3NsE PaNDa
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I am not sure why I am banned?? I am banned for 112 days on all the servers West 2, West, EU 2, East.... I don't think I had any active reports against me when I left yesterday. I tried joining the server today and it says I've been banned for 112 days. :(
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Scotty

    Scotty Heroes come and go, but legends are forever. VIP Bronze

    Tagging @dazza as he banned you and @Agent A as he globalized the ban
  3. dazza

    dazza Banned VIP Bronze

    Hello @ImM3NsE PaNDa , sorry for the late reply, i have just finished work.

    Okay, the reason i banned you was for this :
    As you can see you damaged Tankor with the flare gun for no reason, but before me or him could report you, you had already left, hence why i issued the RDM & leave ban

    now, heres why i requested the globalization
    you have a very extensive history of RDM offences, more specifically RDM and leave, and 5 total in this year alone, id like to ask why you didnt appeal any of these? also could you explain any of them?
  4. ImM3NsE PaNDa

    ImM3NsE PaNDa New Member

    Thanks @dazza for the reply, no worries I understand. In the case of the flare gun it was a simple issue of I was trying to shoot the traitor who i had dna of standing behind him and just as I clicked him moved in front of my line of fire and got hit by it. I did apologise to him on the voice chat and if I remember correctly dropped a health station for him.

    In all of these case for the RDM and leave the majority of times it was a simple case of I got the wrong name, accidentally shot a barrel next to someone, someone falsely kosing another person and me getting the report for it... etc and there being no admins online or the admins not handling the report after I've asked them and then after I leave two, three rounds later or map changes the admin would handle the report and see that I have left and ban me for rdm and leave. In all these cases if I knew I was in the wrong I would have happily taken the slay had the admin handled the report while I was playing. The reason I didnt appeal for any of the previous rdm and leaves was honestly primarily because I was just lazy. I was only banned on the EU server so I was still able to play on the other servers such as West, East, West 2 so I was happy playing on those maps instead and at this point I was trying out other servers and thought it was too much hassle for the one server so I decided to wait out the bans. Only in the recent month I've decided that Serious TTT is indeed my favourite set of servers and I enjoy playing on them nearly everyday. I want to apologise enormously for not waiting for the admin to handle the report or for an admin to come online. I would be very grateful and humble if you guys decide to drop the ban or at the very least shorten it because I know in the most likely case that the reason I was last reported was probably my fault. I would be more than happy to serve a shorten ban but I would do my outmost best for such a scenario to never happen again even by messaging an admin on steam if i see they are online and i need to leave. I leave my faith in yours hands.

    Sorry as well for the long response I know that you guys must get tonnes of appeals everyday. Please let me know when you guys have decided if you are going to keep the ban for the 112 days.
  5. dazza

    dazza Banned VIP Bronze

    No worries dude, i was at work so i've only just got a chance to check this, sorry

    I just hopped on the server to go through the old logs and check your DNA claim, i was saddened to see that you didnt have anybodies DNA that round
    as you can see, the logs are sorted by category, the ONLY dna log was from someone else, not you

    Due to this, i am sorry to say i'm going to have to deny this appeal, its your 5th offence of RDM & leave in quick succession , hopefully it will teach you to play more carefully and to check with a staff member if you can leave or not to avoid these incidents

    I am of course happy to talk to you about this, so if you have any questions about my reasoning please feel free to contact me either on here or on steam.

    Appeal : Denied
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