Donation via Gift Card?

Discussion in 'Store and Donations' started by stakkuu, Jun 18, 2017.

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  1. stakkuu

    stakkuu VIP

    So most of you know that I am 16, and turned 16 little over a week ago, but I don't have my own credit card, and my Paypal is invalid until I am 18, so I was wondering if I could donate via gift card, as in, I buy the gift card, give Highwon the code, and I get the rank. I'm assuming there is a reason this isn't allowed, but I was just wondering.

    Tagging @Highwon
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2017
  2. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    Could have swore you could do that, I did when my grandfather gave me one of them cards. I did a giveaway with it, so I don't see why you can't? As long as it's a giftcard that works online sort of like a credit card it should go through...
  3. Ted

    Ted The knight in white armor! Silver

    Well, here in the netherlands, we have something called paysafecard (see picture below). which is available in every primera shop here and you might have a shop like it nearby.

    It gives u a certain amount of money to add to a VISA account, which u can just make with scraps and metal(in a matter of speaking :p).
    (I probably should not have told u this though >.<)
  4. stakkuu

    stakkuu VIP

    Well I live West Coast US, so I'm not sure what the American version of Primera is. Maybe 7-11? Idfk. Also, how would I get a VISA?
  5. Ted

    Ted The knight in white armor! Silver

    Uhm, the visa number is just online, it is like making a forum account, just go to etc, it all stands on the ticket you receive, and primera is a German shop which sells all kinds of gift cards etc.
    But the site of paysafecard provides a user tool to track shops nearby
  6. stakkuu

    stakkuu VIP

    How do I apply for VISA? Is it a tangible card or online?
  7. The Seventh

    The Seventh Bloom. VIP

    Most decent sized grocery stores or stores like 7-11 sell VISA gift cards which you can use like any normal credit/debit card online. I'd assume they work just the same for donating to SGM. Once you buy it and activate it online you should be good to go.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. stakkuu

    stakkuu VIP

  9. stakkuu

    stakkuu VIP

    Please close this. The question has been answered.
    • Useful Useful x 1
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