Denied Connor2's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Connor2, Jun 13, 2017.

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  1. Connor2

    Connor2 New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I didnt think i would actually be making a hacking ban appeal but here it goes;

    So, I used to be a regular on the servers a while back, roughly 3 months to be a little more precise, and i had left due to personal reasons and took a break. This last week is my first week back on the server since then and i have been having a great time. I enjoy the other players, i have good and bad rounds, and overall ive enjoyed my return to the server since i left. My aim certantly has improved as well due to the last few months of playing Player unknowns battle grounds and other fast paced games like CSGO.

    Unfortunately this led to a bunch of "hackusations" against me, due to the fact that i am a crack shot with a deagle and rifle in game, two weapons that take a very high amount of skill and practice to master. However, are the accusations just? Did i deserve a ban because i am very good with those weapons? I don`t think so, but its not my decision anymore.

    Look, Ive been around GMOD playing TTT for about 6-7 years now. During that time ive logged 3500+ hours into the game, spending a good 2000 of those playing TTT for various servers. During that time ive done roughly everything there is to do in TTT. Ive Ran servers, ive had amazing T Rounds with 20+ kills, and ive had more hacking accusations against me that I can even count. Most only come to me because of my choice of weapons and proficiency with them, AKA rifle and deagle.

    Why do I use those weapons?

    Because i like to challenge myself. Ive had enough of running around with shotguns and AKs and murdering the server and everyone i see. Its gotten very boring and i simply dont like using other weapons anymore. Roughly 1000 of the 2000 hours ive played TTT have been only using those weapons, training my aim and honing my skills with them, and when you use weapons enough you become very proficient with them. Also the 700+ hours ive put into CSGO have helped me with my crosshair placement and positioning, which are key to making some of the shots that have been showcased in the report against me.

    Point is, i`m no cheater, i`m no hacker and i certainly have no intention of being one. I`m just an honest player being reported on the sheer fact that i use weapons that aren`t the norm, and that I`m good with them. If i still ran around with shotguns and AKs like everyone else I wouldnt have had this report against me, but i`m never one to really conform.

    I understand that my chances of being unbanned are very low, considering I seem to have a track record of being slightly disliked by a few of the staff members. But that`s okay, not everyone is going to like me and i dont expect them to. However i really enjoy this server and i certainly dont want to leave anytime soon. I hope you take the time to consider all avenues of my appeal and not just base me on a few clips of me at my peak skill (and luck too, cause some of those shots even i cant believe).

    All i ask is a bit of your time, and if i cannot be unbanned ill find somewhere else to go, but i really enjoy this server and would like to stay for a while.

    Warmest regards

    - Connor
    Evidence of Innocence:
    There isn`t much i can post in terms of evidence to discredit hacking claims, but i will give you my steam profile showing the amount of hours ive logged into all my games. It will at least help prove my story above and help you with your decision

    Why would i bother hacking on an account with more than 3000 hours on gmod? doesnt really make sense that i would.
  2. dazza

    dazza Banned VIP Bronze

    @HelixSpiral banned you for hacking 1st offence, please be patient while he gathers his evidence

    id like to add, this is only a 4 week ban local to US vanilla , you are free to play our other servers in the mean time as long as you folow the rules there wont be any problems
  3. Connor2

    Connor2 New Member

    @dazza thank you, however vanilla is my favorite server and i would much prefer to play on there, thanks anyways
  4. neutral

    neutral VIP

  5. neutral

    neutral VIP

    Hey Connor,

    Here is the first instance I found suspicious. There are many shots that are like this but here is an instance of one:

    As you can see in the video, you were able to switch your weapons so quickly that you skip the deagle switch animation and it even appears that you fired with your deagle, even though it was a sniper shot.

    As you probably know, this script can bring a significant advantage to gameplay as you can switch incredibly quickly to your secondary without having to wait for the animation, and as such, we recently addressed this in a somewhat recent rule change:


    Furthermore, the following instance is even greater proof of hacking:

    As you can see in this video, your aimhacks accidentally snapped onto the player in the vents, in which then you quickly snapped on to the intended target on the middle of the floor.

    As you can see from this evidence it is undeniable that these hacks are being used. I would suggest removing these before rejoining our servers in the future.

    If you have any further questions, feel free to shoot me message here.

    Appeal denied.
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