Invalid Report against pacifist

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by KingofHearts, May 17, 2017.

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  1. KingofHearts

    KingofHearts New Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    East 1
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    being banned for admin refuseing to slay for 1407's delay of 3 rounds in a row. he ws buying T and delaying on purpose even said he was doing it cause he didn't like us. Then we asked pacifist to do something he ignored us, he talked to other ppl but as soon as it came to the delayer he aprently didn't hear or read ppl asking him to warn the guy to stop he delayed 3 rounds way longer than they should have been he sat there playing with a table and opening and closing doors for 5 min after every t was dead. I ghosted for the first time ive been on this server because this guy was delaying on purpose and then screaming when he did eventualy die. then after I ghosted he said I'm just gunna keep doing it so I said then we should just kill you just in case. u keep delaying since the admin wont warn u or slay you then he got killed by someone and it was my fault suddenly he reported to pacifist and then I get banned. so all the reports and asking pacifist to slay or at least warn to stop delay were ignored but as soon as 1407 complained it was top priority. he was an elite member so idk if he just didn't want to slay cause he paid for it but its not fair to only come down on ppl who didn't pay​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    evidence were the reports placed and half the server.... there was a guy named shrimp and super smash and a lot of others all asking to slay him so I'm just thinking hes a friend who got mad and I got banned for ghosting when ive never done it before cause the admin would listen to the server ppl have delayed and its ridiculous that this happening​
  2. dazza

    dazza Banned VIP Bronze

  3. WhyFi

    WhyFi VIP

    Chiming in here because I was directly involved. 1407 didn't even report you for ghosting, I did. I don't need you to tell me who the T is and defeat the entire point of the game. Yes, I know Pacifist didn't do anything, and he stated he was handling other reports and that no one bothered to use @chat to get a hold of him, so he didn't take action right away.
  4. KingofHearts

    KingofHearts New Member

    I don't wanna get anyone in trouble I just think its dumb I was banned for 4 weeks cause the problem wasn't being taken care of and then I just suddenly get banned for no reason other than actualy helping not waste time from someone literaly saying I'm going to buy t every round and delay cause I don't like yall and then it happned
  5. .shirt

    .shirt VIP

    I was also present at the time, not only did you:
    1. Ghost
    2. You decided to harass 1407, you targetted him by kosing him before the round began.
    So that is toxic gameplay and imo your ban should be extended.
  6. KingofHearts

    KingofHearts New Member

    But yet your gunna ignore the fact that ur friend was harasing and delaying .... That's bs your only gunna complain. About me when u were there your heard everyone asking him to stop 1407 and u don't care cause he's an elite that's bs. And I didn't harass him I told him to stop when he didn't I said we should kill him so he doesn't delay never kosed
  7. .shirt

    .shirt VIP

    You do realize that you can play on any other server besides the one you are banned on. Home page right side you'll see all the servers as well as a hyperlink to join them.
  8. KingofHearts

    KingofHearts New Member

    Because I like this server and the people on it
  9. Peach

    Peach sweet c: VIP Silver

    Locking this report as it seems to have taken a tangent. If anyone has any actual evidence to input please contact a staff member to have it unlocked.
    Otherwise please be patient, @Pacifist will respond when he has time.
  10. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    Gentlemen please! I'll go ahead and unlock this in case anyone wants to present any more evidence of my wrong-doing. Otherwise, please refrain from arguing with one another like crazy.

    The ghosting ban can be summed up by the following appeal:

    I'll briefly state that you were banned for ghosting to this player, informing him who the last traitor was and stating that he was delaying. The correct action to take would have been to message me directly through pm or via adminchat. As the server was quite eventful, I was not made aware that he was delaying until the point in time that the round had ended. When the round did end I warned you for threatening to rdm him the very next round. I then received the screenshot from another player that you had ghosted. The screenshot will be displayed below, as it was featured in the original appeal. You made some claims earlier that the reason I did not slay him for delay was because he was elite. Truth be told, I had no idea he was an elite user until he messaged me in adminchat, telling me that you guys were harassing him. It was the harassment aspect that brought me to the decision to keep your ghosting ban. You knew what you did was against the server rules, so I didn't feel like leniency was warranted.

    As far as the "not noticing" people telling me in mic chat that the person was delaying, I apologize. I was focused on reports and talking to other players about said reports. I honestly wasn't paying attention to voice chat or the round itself. In the future, it would be best if you asked me to stop the delay in adminchat. You can do that by typing @ before your message. It just helps me because then I can't miss the message, nor can I have any kind of excuse for not stopping the delay. Enjoy the rest of your day man!


    At the end of the day, I'll let @Falcor decide whether I was justified in doing what I was doing.
  11. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    Hi Kingofhearts

    I've reviewed this report and your appeal.
    Your ban was justified since giving other players information that can alter game(true or not) is ghosting.
    The easiest fix for this would be alerting the staff member, not your fellow players.
    This also would have solved the delaying issue.
    Staff members at times are doing several things at once, so contacting them through admin chat or pm's can be the best way to grab their attention and alert them.
    Since by the time Pacifist was made aware of this the round was over, punishment would be overzealous at this point. As well as our 3 warning rule before punishing for delay.
    Pacifist did everything in his power to effectively staff the server and abided all protocol.

    If you would like to talk about this, send me a message.
    Thank you,
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