Suggestion to look over a piece of the rule.

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by ☠{-NA-}☠LUV YOU CHELSEA♥, May 15, 2017.

  1. Morning all! Or evening if you live somewhere its already evening

    I want to make a suggestion hopefully it gets approved about redoing one piece of the rule:
    Walking past an UnID body.

    It has come to my attention that many of the community has abused this rule so many times they have gotten away clean without slay, let me paint you guys a picture.
    ****** map (with the 2 cars)_overplayed ******
    Player A gets in a crossfire between player B(traitor) and Player C, (A) gets killed and (B) gets away now player C is left alone watching the T room where the T escaped. Player D shows up from the ladder and enters the room the firefight happened, player D gets shot and killed 5 seconds after entering the room with the UnID body who yet wasn't aware about. Player D reports player C for RDM with which he replies u passed an UNIDd body, which gets player C off the hook.
    Same goes with afk people if there Is an unid near you and your afk you still get shot and killed that's kinda dumb ain't it, like how is the afk gonna ID a body if he ain't even at the computer to do so?

    Can this get looked at for a bit and maybe redone to stop this obvious loophole?

  2. Paradox

    Paradox The One Eyed Ghoul Banned Elite

    Some afks act afk to kill t's that is why.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  3. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    If he passed the UnID body, how could he not be aware of it?

    Also, that would be loopholing if player C was a Detective
  4. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    There has been several suggestions to have this rule changed. Before we had deathscene, the loopholing with this rule was out of control. You could literally call unid every time and unless someone has video recording to state otherwise, you got away with it.

    However, now that we have the deathscene, the loopholing scheme has gone down quite A lot.

    For the situation you wrote about, (correct me if I'm wrong staff), player c wasn't loopholing. There clearly was an unid. You have to understand, the victims don't have to see the unid to be able to be killed for it. The simple act of just walking past one gets you killed.

    As well as for the afk situation you wrote about. Vector explained this well. A lot of ts try to act afk after they commit a t act to try and truck players into not killing them bc it's not overtime yet. This works especially well if you use the disguiser with this technique. This, is why you can kill afk players for being near an unid.

    I hope this answers your questions!
    • Agree Agree x 3
  5. OK that sums it up a bit , I just find it a bit shady at times where the location of the body vs the player ends up warranting a kos.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Chastity4lyfe

    Chastity4lyfe *Eye roll* VIP Silver

    I think @Elvis explained this pretty good honestly.

    Just to add onto this part; traitors a lot of the time will just shoot whoever and walk away from the body, this is actually super common with traitors, to just escape the scene (especially if they shot a player from far away). In this case, traitors aren't always looking at who is near that player when they shoot them (especially if they don't have a radar and cant see a person around the corner afk). As far as traitors getting their traitor buddies killed by an unided if they are afk, this is a common thing that happens because traitors expect their t-buddies to come back, they don't really think about IDing the body they just killed because their "T buddy will do it". As Vector explained - people pretend to be afk all the time, I do this sometimes as well as an innocent to get traitors.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    Sadly this is how it's been.

    I have been kosed before bc on the map dolls, I walked out of under the bed that exits at the middle near the vents, and have been called out when the body was around the corner where I couldn't see it.

    One tip I have for you, when running around, just constantly look around. If you think you see a body, might as well check it.