Completed Report against Copenhagen

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Danny, May 8, 2017.

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  1. Danny

    Danny VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    he is harassing me. TheInkern witnessed it and reprimanded him for it, he continued to harass me after a rounds end. He also encouraged (successfully) other players to join in and harass me.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    i will be rendering and uploading the video proof in the meantime but ask inkern​
  2. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

  3. Theinkern

    Theinkern Inkern VIP Bronze

    @Danny I am trying to see if my recording is going to work, as I am not sure if it covered the whole round where issues came about. I had given Copen a warning for telling you that you are "salty". If this is in regards to just that, then he has already been warned.

    If something else had happened I want you to post a full unedited clip of the whole map of everything that had happen, because in voice chat you were screaming that you have a video and are going to edit it in your way and laughing about it in voice chat. I recorded this and will be uploading my evidence very soon.

    @Danny if there is another reason besides him calling you salty which I already warned him for, please tell me now and it will be handled.
  4. So, im harassing him because i called him salty... heres the story.... Danny was playing previous to this incident, got salty, ragequit.... rejoins... i said "aww Danny your back are you done being salty?" he then said "Copenhagen your muted and im reporting you for harassment" i then somthing in voice chat along the lines of "wow danny is reported me for harassment everyone call danny salty he muted me" (he was being a major salty spittoon) Theinkern warned me about it, which i still disagree with because if you google the definition of harassment it comes up with this ... chat continued after that and Danny posted this report.
  5. Danny

    Danny VIP

    inkern i recorded so much shit my computer cant handle rendering and uploading the entire thing. ill leave in some raw footage of what happens after i die to prove i didnt provoke him at all and he still comes and harasses me for nothing.
  6. So more like you found incriminating things against yourself and you only want to show 1 side.
  7. Danny

    Danny VIP

    the video is uploading
  8. We will see.
  9. Danny

    Danny VIP

    also @Theinkern the laughing and me saying ill edit the video was in reference to me getting myself killed for calling myself a traitor on accident, so if you upload that bit and use it as evidence im afraid i wont be able to take you seriously.
  10. Danny

    Danny VIP

    bone apple teeth
  11. Danny

    Danny VIP

    its gonna take a while to be available in hd tho lol
  12. So a heavily edited 2 minute 20 second video is what you have, in which you were threatening perm bans?
  13. Danny

    Danny VIP

    i wouldnt talk shit boy you just got a second warning most people dont even get that much they just get banned
  14. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    I'm locking this thread as this is devolving into an argument between you two. @Copenhagen , if you have any evidence of Danny threatening you, please contact a staff member to let you post these evidence.

    Until then, please be patient for @Theinkern to come up with the verdict.
  15. Theinkern

    Theinkern Inkern VIP Bronze

    In regards to that, you created a report on another player for killing you, yet you just claimed that you did that on purpose. In the future im going to have to tell you to refrain from that as it is against the rules.

    From the video I do see the 2nd count of harassment and I just gave Copen his punishment in game.

    I am marking this report VALID.

    This is our correct harassment protocol, he received a kick for 2nd warning
    Last edited: May 8, 2017
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