a encouragement to get more hours (aka points)

Discussion in 'TTT Suggestions' started by gibby, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. gibby

    gibby Well-Known Member

    it would be nice, for every 50-100hrs you get, you get a bonus amount of points for doing well. say the bonus is 10k or so, because I have many hours, and it is taking me FOREVER to get upgrades now that I have them all upgraded, it is just to much points. it would be nice to make things a little easier, I am sure many other players would agree on how long it takes to get those 30-60k upgrades
  2. +1 i really like this idea
  3. MatthewXD

    MatthewXD Member

    Yeah it takes way too long. But you should get bonus points for kills as a T, not what ever it is you were trying to say.
  4. RhazhBash

    RhazhBash Professional Button Presser VIP

    i say no to this idea. if everyone got points faster, then more people would be able to buy the upgrades, and it would hurt the players with long hours on the server. if you wanna do it either play the lottery or do it the old fashioned way.
  5. gibby

    gibby Well-Known Member

    dude, it takes a long time to get 50-100 hours. 10k isn't that much, I get it in a week or so. it is annoying getting that, and also, how many points per T? the chances of winning lottery are slim. I have spent prob 10k on tickets so far of all my time. this would be a nice thing to get every period of time.

    KING_HOBO Regular Member

    yeah we need like 7500 points per 100 hours
  7. ridge

    ridge VIP

    I don't like this idea to get more points but it would be awesome if there was another way to get more points