Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by [dark] claws, Feb 2, 2014.

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  1. [dark] claws

    [dark] claws Member

    Well i wasent informed that slays stack, and it dosent say in !motd. and plus it WAS 7 ROUNDS SO UR TELLING ME IF IT WAS 60 ROUNDS AND ADMIN FIANNLY NOTICES THE REPORT AND IM NOT IN SERVER ILL GET BANNED. Thats pretty useless rule if u ask me
  2. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP

    If you read the rules, it says:
    1st Time-Slay
    2nd Time-Slay 2 rounds
    3rd Time-Ban 24 Hours

    Which means your 3rd rdm is a ban.If it doesn't mean that the rdms stack, then what do you think it means? Because according to your logic, you could just rdm someone every other map and only get one slay each time.
  3. [dark] claws

    [dark] claws Member

    nope trash TOTTALY off topic my first ban was that which was gay read me comment, reply to ur commet: It DOES NOT SAY IN THE RULES THEY STACK AND YET I WAS NOT INFORMED THAT THEY STACK Thank you :)
  4. [dark] claws

    [dark] claws Member

    and i got banned for 24 DAYS not 24 hours :p
  5. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP

    Not off topic at all. I'm telling you that your 1st offense of rdm is one slay. 2nd offense of rdm is two slays. 3rd offense of rdm is a ban. It's clearly in the rules.Also, I don't see how you getting banned from a video game server is homosexual.
  6. [dark] claws

    [dark] claws Member

    24 hours i got banned for 24 days
  7. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP

    Breaking rules that you will be banned for like mass rdm, rdm and leave, ghosting,hacking, etc. will be extended each time you do it. It will go from 5 days, to 2 weeks, to 4 weeks and possible global ban. From there it will be 8 week global ban or perma ban.
  8. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I will let this report play out, but the ban appeal has been denied.
  9. [dark] claws

    [dark] claws Member

    and no it dosent say slays stack in rules please read them nope trash
  10. [dark] claws

    [dark] claws Member

    fuq mangos
  11. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    It doesn't say that slays don't stack in the rules, either. By playing on our server you are showing us you acknowledge an will abide by the rules.

    Topic Locked: Appeal Denied

    Please review our Server Rules before your ban is over.

    Thank You.
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