Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by [dark] claws, Feb 2, 2014.

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  1. [dark] claws

    [dark] claws Member

    ban appeal

    Nick:[Musketeer] Claws ♕☣


    West 2:

    Unban:I rdmed 1 guy and mangotango banned me for no REASON ABUSE.

    Innocence: i should of just been slain 1 time, and imparitly if u RDM 1 round then 7 rounds later you RDM thats 2 RDMS then 5 MAPS later i RDM 1 time i get BANNED they stack up first time that ever happend. MANGOTANGO ABUSES LIKE CRAZYY
  2. RhazhBash

    RhazhBash Professional Button Presser VIP

    Re: ban appeal

    1. there is no u in aboose
    2. mango was just following standard protocol. RDMs only stack with the mod that carries out the punishment, but since he witnessed you RDM 3 times, that warrants a ban.
    3. your appeal is inconsistent. first you say you RDM one guy and then you say you RDM 3 guys? make up your mind.
  3. [dark] claws

    [dark] claws Member


    Server:West 1

    Time:5:25 pacific

    Reason:Ban me

    He banned me for no reason i rdmed one guy and got banned. He probaly think RDMing STACKS which it dosent, 1 round i rdm 1 guy 3 rounds later i rdm 1 guy then 1 map later i RDM another guy then i get banned for no reason which it should of been A SLAY. Thanks

    Witnesses many people in the server :)
  4. [dark] claws

    [dark] claws Member

    Re: ban appeal

    no because it was many rounds later which it dosent stack 1 round i rdm a guy 7 rounds later i rdm 1 guy then 1 map later i rdm a guy then i got banned which it should of been another slay M8
  5. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Re: ban appeal

    You did not RDM one person. You RDM'd two players a couple rounds prior and took the slays; one by pushing them with your riot shield and blaming them for getting in the way and then the second for pushing someone off the rooftops not even a second before the round began(would have been fine if they respawned, but they died one second into the round). When you RDM'd your third time(shooting at someone, as a detective, whom had not done anything traitorous), I go to check your adminstats and see that you have a ban on you for your third offense of RDM and Leave, so I decided to make it global.

    You also have a Karma ban, which shows that you were most likely RDMing without any staff online.

    When this ban is over, I suggest changing your play style.

    Ban Appeal: Denied.

    I will let another admin lock this, as it is somewhat of an abuse report.

    Edit: Rhaz is also correct with his statement.
  6. [dark] claws

    [dark] claws Member

    Re: ban appeal

    Ye which it was sevrel round later and it should of not been a ban it should of been another SLAY
  7. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I have already responded to this on your ban appeal; I will merge it with this.
  8. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Re: ban appeal

    No, it wasn't several rounds later. It was only two maps later. I witnessed all of them.
  9. [dark] claws

    [dark] claws Member

    Re: ban appeal

    2 maps later yea thats more then sevrel round later
  10. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    It was within an hour and a half. It's not abuse. You RDM'd consistently and were punished according to our protocols.
  11. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    Your statement on the whole "slays/rdms do not stack"
    Hate to break it to you, but they do, as long as it is within a reasonable amount of time, not over the days.
    Also, if you have a history of this kind of thing, I don't see why the Admins would want to welcome in the community so I would (like MangoTango) suggest that you change your play style/attitude because it is getting you in trouble in a lot of different cases.
  12. [dark] claws

    [dark] claws Member

    no WHERE in the rules it says within amount of time and SLAYS DO STACK you should put that in !motd
  13. [dark] claws

    [dark] claws Member

    And i'm quite a nice person if u watch or play with me i usually let u go if u T bait me and just do mean things im usually just a chill 13 year old playing GMOD for fun of it :)
  14. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Nowhere in our MOTD does it say that slays are wiped clean after every map change.

    It also states that punishments are subject to change under an admin's discretion.
  15. RhazhBash

    RhazhBash Professional Button Presser VIP

    claws, arguing with an administrator hurts your chances of being unbanned. just because mango is the strictest staff member dosent make him aboosive. i suggest you reread the MOTD so you can understand why you were banned. also reading your ban appeal makes it seem like you were banned for mass RDM, but you were actually banned for RDM and leave. normally you would be able to get out of a ban like that if you had a legit reason for leaving (power goes out, gmod crashes, computer catches on fire), but you passed the point of no return and i suggest you play on other servers to learn how TTT works, then come back here after your ban expires and comply with the staff. ive RDMed in the past too, but i always accepted my punishments.

    note:yes i know i shouldnt post in this report, but mango moved my post from his ban appeal in here, so i figured it wouldnt hurt to make another post in here.
  16. [dark] claws

    [dark] claws Member

    it dosent say slays stack does it. "subject to change under an admin's discretion" probaly meaning if u get slain or not not 1 slay = BAN thats what the rules are saying
  17. [dark] claws

    [dark] claws Member

    im not argueing or fighting im just saying my statement, and wut should of been done. All i care about is atleast being able to play 1 server go ahead BAN me from 1 server but not all in my oppinion
  18. RhazhBash

    RhazhBash Professional Button Presser VIP

    subject to change under an admins discretion. mango is an admin. do the math. according to the ban page, this wasnt your first offense, so mango gave you a punishment he felt necessary.
  19. [dark] claws

    [dark] claws Member

    2nd OFFENCE first one was straight BS i got banned because when i left it didnt say i was getting slain and when i rdmed and didnt get slain it was 7 rounds ago which i did not remember me rdming that guy then so when i left it never said i was going to get slain which was gay in my oppinion.
  20. RhazhBash

    RhazhBash Professional Button Presser VIP

    about that first ban, if you RDM someone you might not be slain the very next round. if someone reports you, the staff waits to hear both sides of a story before issuing any punishments (except in cases like RDM at the start of the round or mass RDM etc.), and if you left before answering a report against you, the staff considers that RDM and leave. if that ban was bs like you said, you could have appealed that ban here. first time offenders have a better chance of getting their appeal approved than habitual violators. as for the stacking RDMs, its kinda hard to explain. its mostly based on who slays you. lets say that mango is the only staff on the server. you RDM someone, mango slays you. a few rounds later, you RDM again. thats 2 slays. now lets say mango leaves and killamarshall comes on. if you RDM again killa would likely only give you one slay, because they only stack with the staff member giving the slay, and also they dont stack permanently. if you RDM once a day, you would likely only get one slay every day. you just RDMed 3 times while mango was online, and he did what he felt was needed.
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