Whyku-sama ignores his slay and leaves

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by mgmlucy, Jan 26, 2014.

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  1. mgmlucy

    mgmlucy Member

    So Will-e was the last t on the map and was just moving his riot shield, apparently he pushed Whyku-sama away from a health station with the riot shield(did no damage), Whyku then shot will-e for half his health stating "If you push me away, I'm gonna shot you". Will- said he should be slays for damaging him, Whyku-sama said ok, and slay'd himself. The round ended and Will-e lost. Whyku-sama then left the server before the round started. Technically is that considered and RDM and leave, so he should be banned for 5 days.
  2. Whyku

    Whyku Active Member

    I came back before the round ended, but no one reports that ...
  3. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    Generally if someone leaves after they've RDM'd we give them 5-15 minutes to rejoin in case it was a technical difficulty. I see nothing wrong here
  4. mgmlucy

    mgmlucy Member

    There would be no problem with that Zikeji but for the fact, that he never took the actual slay for it. He rejoined and was afk for the rest of the time.
  5. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    If he came back the same round of his slay, then it's definitely not RDM and Leave. You even stated in the initial report that he slayed himself.

    "Will- said he should be slays for damaging him, Whyku-sama said ok, and slay'd himself."
  6. mgmlucy

    mgmlucy Member

    Yeah this I also said "The round ended and Will-e lost. Whyku-sama then left the server before the round started" he never returned in time for his slay.
  7. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    So he removed his slay when he came back or he was slain, left, and came back before the end of the round? If you leave the server and come back, you will still have a slay.
  8. Whyku

    Whyku Active Member

  9. mgmlucy

    mgmlucy Member

    Not sure what that's supposed to mean Whyku but u left the game before the round of your slay, end of discussion.
  10. Shades

    Shades VIP

    Original poster ended Conversation,

    MGMlucy please contact a Staff member if you'd like this unlocked!
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