I don't know if it's just me but for whatever reason it's funny because I always break off of the main group when I'm Inno cause I don't like large groups (jihad), so I go alone but I always meet someone in the middle of nowhere and I think I can trust them, and am like "Ok you're fine." And 1 second later I'm dead.... I really need to be a lot more careful. Any of you have any instances like so?
My issue is I trust people like @NinjaDragon48 @Husshuss @Yatty @GimcSnooper @Tups etc etc. It never ends well. They will not keep you safe. They will make you go boom.
@ArpixOfficial the first time I met this dude, I shot a gauss rifle at him and like 3 other people and one of them noticed it was me. Well I got him to help me kill the guy, and two others who shot at me. XD I mean, he had my back so he has my respect.
@Sir Lemoncakes is the most trustworthy terrorist (heh) that you could ever meet. I've never had trust issues with him EVER and he always protects my back. I would recommend that if you see him playing on your server you engage in immediate non-sense conversations to confuse the traitors while you and him work together in the most epic tag team duo ever.
@Falcor yesterday when I just kinda trusted her in the 75% chance she was inno. Little did I know that I was her first target along with 2 other people that she "had to take out first" smh
I give away my golden deagle and my golden ak to random people, and give them enough trust not to fire at my back with it.
I never trust a person I'm with by myself. If they kill me no one will know. I always try to report who I am with.
#OnlyTrustSaczva There are some people who I could witness harpoon someone before pulling out a jihad and trust them to be innocent. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I witnessed some T harpoon somebody, i was behind them and for some reason i hesitated and dinked the T; FeelsGoodMan.jpg
I constantly think I'm the person you basically have to trust, but then like 5 minutes later I realize that I'm just some ordinary fuckface who acts like a traitor despite being innocent. This leads me to getting RDMed in many cases.
Hop like a bunny. No tryhard will get you. You also you get time to react to the person shooting at you. But you should still watchout for the huge.
If there is one thing I have learned from Game of Thrones, trust nobody. "You either win or die." But for some reason I end up running with a T for most of the map to end up the last inno surrounded by T's and Jihads.