*Critical Abuse* Lemoncakes + Other.

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Dawg Chowder, Aug 28, 2013.

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  1. Dawg Chowder

    Dawg Chowder Regular Member

    This is the highest form of abuse I've seen on this server and I hope it's taken care of asap. I don't want any "sorries" like before. This is abuse and it needs to be dealt with like abuse. Staff is what's representing your server Highwon, don't let bad staff make a bad server. Even if you disagree, abuse deserves conciquences.

    So here's what happened : I was randomly kosed in the beginning by Sir Watermelon. Because I did nothing traitorious or kosable I was able to kill him for false kosing. I figured he was a T so I killed him. 3 other innos around me knew exactly why I killed him because he did false kos and I told him that so nobody even questioned me. About a minute later lemoncakes called another false kos on me so I killed him too. Then I was killed by an inno, which wasn't a big deal since he saw me kill 2 rdmers that were both inno.

    So here is the important part that makes the abuse part come into play. Sir lemoncakes and Sir watermelon both false kosed me which means they are at fault of the RDM here and I explained that to him, but instead he slays me for 2 rounds and then to top it off he decides to BAN me for 24 hours. I hope you understand the severity of this and understand that I cannot provide evidence because the abuse was taken so quick that they were able to ban me before I could take screenshots of their rdms.

    Side Note: Even if it was rdm on my part ( Which is was not) then 2 rdms in about 6 hours is still not bannable. This is extremely high abuse and I hope it's treated as one. I am relying on admins or preferably Highwon to look at the logs and take care of the rdm + mod/admin abuse.
  2. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP

    This doesn't seem like you should have been slayed or banned, but I'm sure there's more to this than what you're saying.
  3. Ninjaa

    Ninjaa Regular Member

    There is no rule that 2 RDM's is 6 hours. It is 2 slays.
  4. Detective Fish

    Detective Fish Supporter

    Dude, you started to shoot a group with a scout, then got KOSed. After we were going to talk to you and you decided to open fire and killed 3 people.
  5. Ninjaa

    Ninjaa Regular Member

    So Dawg Chowder, why did you lie to the staff of Serious TTT?
  6. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    Dawg, you were the only on to hear or see the "false kos" against you. So it is your word versus the entire server and its mods there. You did damage to Sir Watermelon first, and promptly killed him. You then killed me for kosing you, after you had killed an innocent. Finally, you did damage to another player who was killing you for two kos and two innos killed. Though I was going to leave it at two slays, it was decided by an admin to ban you for 1 day. Which is fully within their rights to do. http://imgur.com/lanc0yh,Lq7DVFU
  7. Dawg Chowder

    Dawg Chowder Regular Member

    I dont think you are on the right thread.
  8. Dawg Chowder

    Dawg Chowder Regular Member

    Check the logs(Or ask him smart guy), he kosed me in chat twice, and you know you kosed me too, don't lie about it lemon.
    and no its not their right to ban me whatsoever. Admins need to follow the rules too.

    Also I'm not hiding 1 bit of information, this is all that happened plain and simple. I know its hard to believe, because I can't even believe they abused to that extent.

    And lastly, shooting somebody without killing them just because he walked in front me me while i was shooting at you isn't bannable.
  9. Dawg Chowder

    Dawg Chowder Regular Member

    You're being an asswipe. Don't be an asswipe.
  10. Dawg Chowder

    Dawg Chowder Regular Member

    I was playing 6 hours and I was slayed only those 2 times.
  11. Dawg Chowder

    Dawg Chowder Regular Member

    Exactly.... but its all the whole truth, sadly.
  12. Thanks4TheFish

    Thanks4TheFish (Fish) Banned

    Dawg chowder late last night you were purposely T baiting people from across the map just so they would shoot you.Then when they killed you, you claimed rdm. It seems if youre only trying to cause trouble and drama now.
  13. eduardopy

    eduardopy Banned

    Let me stop you there, in the motd it says "Punishments are subject to change under admins discretion"
  14. Thanks4TheFish

    Thanks4TheFish (Fish) Banned

    Although motd does say that, it only applies to Admins not mods though thanks for additional support.
  15. Detector

    Detector Regular Member

    Your report has been thoroughly investigated and the staff has decided there is not enough evidence for action to be taken. thanks.
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