Invalid Report against Brahma

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Stoked32, Feb 5, 2017.

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  1. Stoked32

    Stoked32 VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    East 2
    Which Map:
    Some hotel map
    Which Round:
    3rd or 4th
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    First off, literally every time Brahma joins the server, everyone talks shit to him. Plain and simple. What is not okay is Brahma picking and choosing who he bans/slays during the games. RDM was (AND IS) happening all the time yet only 1 or 2 people would get slayed each round. I got banned for a day for saying "Fuck the Mods" while everyone else in the shitter server is saying all types of shit to Brahma. So yea, Fuck you Brahma. Fuck you hard.

    Another thing, I never got a warning. Brahma never explains himself when asked why. He is easily the most disliked mod in the server and clearly doesnt understand the responsibility. He doesnt do his job and gets power happy when someone says something he personally doesnt like. At the end of the day, fuck you brahma, you kill the server when you get on.

    Cant believe i got banned by this guy for fucking around on a server ive been coming back to for about a year now. This was NEVER a problem before.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    THIS TEXT BOX DOESNT EVEN MATTER CAUSE YOULL LISTEN TO HIS SIDE OF THE STORY ANYWAYS. I wish your server had decent mods. whoever the fuck runs this thing needs to re evaluate who the fuck runs the TTT servers. And if you really want witnesses ask ANYONE THAT PLAYS TTT WHILE BRAHMA IS MODDING. EVERYONE IN THE LOBBY AGREES THAT THIS GUYS DOES NOT DO HIS JOB CORRECTLY. check the chat logs for the love of god.​
  2. Sith Master

    Sith Master An individual may die, but the Sith are eternal Banned Gold VIP Emerald

    Tagging my moderator @Brahma, I will respond with a verdict later.
  3. Brahma

    Brahma Homecoming. VIP Silver

    I've seen this already, gathering my evidence right now.
  4. Brahma

    Brahma Homecoming. VIP Silver

    I joined East 2 to find 2 reports that were deemed valid. One player named Mr.long_schlong wasnt too fond of the rule of running by UNID's being kosable. He didn't like it so he was attempting to troll me. The server started getting hectic as a group of trolls decided to come on and mass rdm along saying racist stuff in chat and in the reports made on them. YOU on the other hand, decided to go your way and join everyone who was insulting me while they were trolling and spewing racial slurs everywhere. You thought it was funny to harass other players for their mic being "shitty" as you say, but you just wanted to be apart of the group causing trouble.

    Lots of reports were coming in and that Mr.Long_schlong person was still causing havoc by screaming everything that happend to him was RDM and you STILL tried to play along with the troll by calling me useless and just flat out insulting me. I didn't take the insult personal, but you started saying stuff that completely resulted in harassment. Why didn't some players get slain? Most of the reports were invalid. Why did the ones complain that they were RDM'd get slain? They actually DID RDM, by trying to start a Mass RDM chain or just literally lying into reports to avoid slays. I started banning everyone who decided to keep on typing racial slurs in chat and on voice chat while you were still trying to cause havoc with the trolls. This isn't the first time from you as this is the SECOND time I've been with you in this situation where you decided to cause more havoc by trolling with the trolls.

    Most of the things you said were on mic like telling someone to "Shut the fuck up faggot your mic sounds bad." and making remarks at me for "not banning those for RDM." when in this case it wasnt even about RDM from the point forward. While most of the trolls were gone, I banned the last people who were spewing racial marks with you being the last person STILL trying to cause the server to get out of control by making them tell me I was a "shit mod" or a "useless cuck." This is when I gagged you and muted you hoping you would stop. I then ungagged you and unmuted you hoping you would stop, but you decided to proceed to insult me for my duties and decided to ban you on the spot for you awful behavior.

    The whole album of what I can find is right here. Your behavior is unacceptable here on our servers which is why you were banned for harassment. I highly suggest you decided to reflect on your behavior and NOT cause more havoc on a server when trolls are online. You seem like its your goal to make things worse for everyone, mostly for those who are trying to get through reports that get piled up from the trolls Mass RDMing. I was not picking sides, I was checking deathscenes and logs on certain reports that were actually deemed valid. My admin can now look at this report.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2017
  5. Sith Master

    Sith Master An individual may die, but the Sith are eternal Banned Gold VIP Emerald

    Anything you would like to add before I issue the verdict? @Stoked32
  6. Stoked32

    Stoked32 VIP

    def wasn't trolling you. he was genuinely asking you about the rule and you wouldn't respond. you continued to ask him "are you trolling me?" And no, never called anyone a faggot. you're stretching words even here bc you want to keep your power on the server. You suddenly want to play the victim when you know good and well you weren't taking care of the RDM problem. No one in the lobby was "trolling" you. Any time i said anything about an RDM was legit, not a troll, yet you decided to just ignore it instead of talking to us about it. And yea, im gonna cal you a little bitch when you act like one, and right now entitles me to say it even more! YOU'RE TRYING TO GET AWAY WITH BEING A SHITTY MOD AND ACT THE VICTTIM WHEN YOU DONT DO YOUR JOB PROPERLY.

    LAUGHING MY FUCKING ASS OFF YOU THINK THAT I "MAKE" THEM SAY ANYTHING? NONE OF THEM LIKE YOU BECAUSE YOU DONT. DO. YOUR. JOB. I never enticed anyone to speak badly of you. I would absolutely love to see your evidence on that one bud. Your entire paragraph up there is trying to make me seem like the useless troll on your server when youre very wrong. I fucking love this server UNTIL your name shows up in the tab menu. Its absolutely unreal that you banned me and not the other 10 people saying youre a shit mod. You need to take responsibility for being a shitty mod dude. no fuckin joke.

    And the only way to get your thick headed attention is to insult you otherwise you ignore EVERYONE. And no, correction to your last paragraph, my behavior is unacceptable to YOU. NO BODY ELSE on the server had the slightest problem with me.

    And of course the mod is going to have all the evidence, what casual player records everything? you can bullshit all you want to your admin but everyone in the server dislikes you for a reason. maybe your admin should ask them hmmmm. The server runs smoother when you arent present. And dont twist my words. Dont make yourself look like the good guy. you had pictures of all the situations except for the one that, of course, you paraphrase.

    I sincerely hope your admins arent ignorant. And I hope they are nothing like you.

  7. Stoked32

    Stoked32 VIP

    i truly dont give a fuck what the verdict is (mostly bc your admins will take your side naturally). I just want this to be noticed because everyone in the server is sick of it.
  8. Brahma

    Brahma Homecoming. VIP Silver

    I hope you realize I had to force myself to spectator because of how many trolls were online AND the amount of people who were sending in reports.I was trying to get discretion from admins to help me with whats happening and I finally did. You were indeed trolling me because none of this stuff had nothing to do with you and you decided to hop on by acting along side with the troll who you are NOW friends with. I was sending those outraging about supposed RDM via PM since the server was going everywhere in voice chat. I wasn't ignoring anyone as I was trying to finish reports and see who was also spamming racism while they were dead. You say nobody likes me because YOU have a vendetta against me for slaying you for a valid report. I get told I'm a shitty mod for doing my job and then you come in to side with them to stir up more trouble because YOU don't like me whatsoever.

    This type of behavior is with you everytime the server gets out of hand. You admit you want to be noticed and you doing that got you banned.
  9. Stoked32

    Stoked32 VIP

    youre actually idiotic. WE arent trolling you when we say youre a shit mod annd "why didnt you ban so and so for RDM". that isnt trolling. youre a dunce bud.
  10. Sith Master

    Sith Master An individual may die, but the Sith are eternal Banned Gold VIP Emerald

    Locked until I can respond with a verdict.
  11. Sith Master

    Sith Master An individual may die, but the Sith are eternal Banned Gold VIP Emerald

    Hello @Stoked32, thank you for taking the time to report my moderator.

    After carefully reviewing both side of this report, I will be marking it invalid. With the evidence my moderator provided, it's apparent as to why you were banned for harassment.
    Neither harassment or slurs are tolerated on our servers, therefore Brahma was justified in issuing the ban. You have already started a forum conversation with me, so feel free to continue if you have an questions or commends regarding this appeal.
    Further harassment may result in much harsher punishment moving forward. Have a good day.

    Report: Invalid
    Thread: Locked
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