Nope Trash bad moderator

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by whiteguygears, Jan 23, 2014.

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  1. whiteguygears

    whiteguygears New Member

    Name of Staff/Player: Nope Trash

    Server: East

    Time of Occurrence: 9:20pm central

    Reason For Report: I was reported by a T for RDM, my rebuttal was he threw a grenade at me. Which is exactly what happened, the player even admitted to throwing a grenade at me. However, I was slain regardless, because the grenade ended up being a smoke. So, when someone throws a grenade at you, your supposed to wait for it to blow you up, then shoot? Sorry thats not how it works, he said "I'm going to throw a grenade at you" and as soon as it left his hand I shot him with a shotty, dead. I was then slain for RDM. I feel this is a little BS. I wouldn't mind that much about the slay, except my only responses from Nope Trash were "get over it" "if you dont like it report me" "get over it, thats how its going to be" "you can go on the forums, but ill stay staff"

    And then the next round afterwords, he trapped me in a corner and refused to move. I asked to be moved via teleportation but I believe Smith47 was afk - so, aggravated with him already, I blew his head off. And before he even hit the ground ( he was shot off a ledge in dolls) I read "you will be slain for the next 2 rounds" when the last time I checked, you get slain once per RDM.

    In my opinion he has poor judgement on slays, and beyond that, has shown me that he will bait out a slay just because hes a staff member that doesn't like you. Beyond that, he shows that moderators find it impossible to be demoted, and he feels free to do whatever he likes because "you can go on the forums, but ill stay staff"

    Evidence And/Or Witnesses: all players online at 9:20 pm, Smith47 included, although I am not sure if he was afk or preoccupied, as he was not moving at the time.
  2. Scooter

    Scooter Scooter#5335 VIP

    1st time - Slay*
    2nd time - Slay 2 rounds*
    other rules about being stuck
    This server does not have a 3 warning rule. You can't KOS someone for following you. If someone is trapping you, inform the staff that you are stuck and have them teleport you out. Use '@' to message staff.
    last i was dealing with reports sorry if i didn't see your massages but that still gives you no reason to kill people
  3. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP

    First off, he said he was going to throw a smoke. Throwing a smoke isn't traitorous. I only said " Report me if you want, no need to deal with it on here" meaning in-game. I didn't say "but ill stay staff". I also didn't say "get over it".I did not trap you, I was simply standing a good distance away crouching, and you shot me. If you asked to be TPed, you must've PMed smith. That was your second rdm, the first was when you killed Doctor Doge. I don't have a problem with you at all. I don't think that it's impossible to be demoted, I actually was demoted for a mess up but was given a second chance. It surpises me how much you have lied in this.
  4. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    If you kill someone for throwing a smoke grenade, it is considered RDM because it is the only grenade that does not debilitate or damage a player. So the slay for that event was justified.

    If you could provide evidence of either him blocking you or him saying, "That's how it's gonna be, get over it," it would aid you in your report. Screenshots and video evidence are the best two kinds of evidence.

    If you are being blocked, use '@' to message staff and they will bring you out from being stuck. Killing someone for blocking you is not the way to go about it and since it was your second RDM it would be two slays.
  5. Scooter

    Scooter Scooter#5335 VIP

    here is chat logs also while looking into chat you never pmed me to tp so you lied.
    GearsTheGuardsman to admins: like i tried to say in my response, he threw a grenade at me "promising me" it was a smoke. i wasnt going to wait for it to
    The Doctor: the hell?
    GearsTheGuardsman to admins: explode, he died before it blew up to see
    Major. (formerly Aboose): kos shawn
    TTT: Rickle found the body of darkblueking11. He was a Detective.
    TTT: bryce1109 found the body of shawn. He was innocent.
    TTT: The Doctor found the body of bryce1109. He was innocent.
    Nope Trash will slay GearsTheGuardsman next round.
    The Doctor: WO
    The Doctor: sorry
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Smithk47: shawn [innocent] has damaged WO. N. Holland [1st MRB] [innocent] for 49 damages with a M16
    GearsTheGuardsman to admins: i cant be slain for that.
    your mom: ok
    Joker₪: Kos George Clooney for placing a tripmine
    *DEAD* (TEAM) darkblueking11: i fell 10 feet and died
    The Doctor: Joker₪ is a Traitor!
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Smithk47: !slaynr shawn
    You will slay shawn next round.
    GearsTheGuardsman to admins: EXCEPT i couldnt tell what it is, he threw a grenade, he died
    TTT: Rickle found the body of George Clooney. He was a Traitor!
    Joker₪: yes
    TTT: The Doctor found the body of Joker₪. He was innocent.
    Rickle: proven
    The Doctor: WHAT
    The Doctor: WHAT
    Terrorists muted.
    The Doctor: WHAT
    The Doctor: kill me
    GearsTheGuardsman to admins: trust me, it will be reported on the forums.
  6. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP
    Text in between the slays on him. Didn't ask to be TPed. I'm positive I wasn't blocking you either, you were actually moving around. You just stared at me for like 3 or 4 seconds, then killed me.
  7. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP

    There is also a way to see if it's a smoke or incid. Smoke has a white line, incid has an orange line. So you can tell what kind of grenade it is :p
  8. whiteguygears

    whiteguygears New Member

    Sorry had a T round ~

    That would be all fine and well, except these two situations span'ed over two seperate maps, the RDM's shouldnt have been grouped together like that, as they have never been before. Otherwise players like will-e or jamrock would be slain for 9-10 rounds when they propkill ever so randomly as a spectator.

    As for this ~

    I did ask to be teleported out, as I said that in the orgional document.


    As for Nope Trash's response of~

    As a counter example if someone says "hey i'm going to shoot over you" and pulls the trigger, that is kosable, the same way I saw a grenade bounce off my forehead to my feet, I pulled the trigger and killed the person attacking me. Thats how this game is played, If you trust everything that another player says in game, then you die. So from now on ill say "this is a smoke" and throw frags at people, or ill say "hey this is a harpoon, but I wont throw it at you, just right above you, now stand still" Your rebuttal to that was absolutely ridiculous, I had every right to kill him, and instead I was slain for it.

    As for you saying "Report me if you want, no need to deal with it on here" this is the first time I'm hearing that come from you. I have listed plenty of examples of what he had said through voice chat and I am beyond surprised that Smith47 did not reinforce my statements, however in a second thought, he also did not denounce that you didnt say it, so I cannot sway on that. I would swear it on anything that you said, word for word, "get over it" and "I wont lose staff"

    As for him "not" locking me in a corner, had he been crouching a safe distance away like he states, then there would have been nothing stopping me from simply jumping over him. However, I cannot jump over someone that is standing. And yet at the same time of him disagreeing with me, he also states that he was there, and I was in the corner, yet he only states he was crouching and a bit away, I feel like his statement in itself should show that hes lieing, because under what conditions would I not be able to move if he was far away and crouching.

    He is completely full of it, and to go to the extent of saying that I am lieing in a report that HE TOLD ME TO WRITE is absolutely astonishing.

    (these lines represent when I hit submit, yet there are more posts for me to read that it has me read instead, so I have to revise)
    Sorry for this next spam, but the whole quote is necessary
    As you see here and as Smith47 has stated there were no whispers between myself and Smith, which is true that much was done through voice chat as I always ask for tp through voice chat, its easier and faster I didnt know there was a standard to do otherwise. Which this again is why I said I thought Smith47 was afk as he was not responding. But what needs to be seen here is that Nope Trash didnt use this chat at all if any I didnt see when I skimmed it, which like I have stated he was using nothing but voice chat to respond to all messages that I stated. As you can see there are large lapses in between my messages as if to show I am talking to myself, that is me using both voice and type chat to get another mods attention, i rarely use the @ function unless I cannot get ahold of a staff member through voice chat, need a topic to be private, or didnt get a report off in time between maps as it takes away the report page.

    As for this, when it is flying through the air and then hits the ground, your first instinct is not "what color line does it have" and it is also moving much too fast, at least to my eyes i'm not sure if you all are bionic, for me to catch the color during flight.
  9. whiteguygears

    whiteguygears New Member

    Mango :
    Missed this, I fully accept my slay for the smoke grenade if thats how it works. If I have to be slain for having a reaction time faster than the explosion of a grenade I accept that, but not a double slay for killing a bent staff member.
  10. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP

    When a report comes in, I don't immediately slay someone. I made sure that you rdmed, and that's why it took so long for me to slay you. Since we both don't have evidence, this is just word vs word. But, you did not use voice chat, almost immediately killed me, I wasn't trapping you, it's in the rules that throwing a smoke grenade isn't traitorous, I didn't expect you to lie, that's why I told you to report me if you wanted, you weren't even in a corner.
    As much as you may not like it, what I say will be believed more than what you say, Just saying : P
  11. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP

    Can't kill someone for trapping you(even though I didn't) that's rdm.
  12. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I also want to point out that punishments carry over on map changes. We're not going to let someone RDM at the beginning of every map and get away with it. This way, there is a system put in place for the moderators to follow when it comes to punishments. They are not allowed to deviate from the punishments of the server rules.

    Also, the player said he was going to throw a smoke and actually threw a smoke. If you say you are throwing a smoke and throw a frag, you can be killed for it. The players you killed had done nothing traitorous.
  13. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    First Killa, now Nope? One more report and I may bring out the "Dawg" word...
  14. BreakCustoms

    BreakCustoms The Lovely Son Of Carned VIP

    Trash wouldn't do something like this. He's pretty good at handling stuff like this. He's a pretty good mod if you ask me and if anything this would be his first
  15. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP

    Oh god please no....
  16. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    OP as no real evidence to provide, and OP's story still makes the outcome fall in favor of Nope Trash. Based on the report itself, it looks like OP is just trying to cause trouble.

    As I am Nope Trash's admin, I punish him. I see no need for punishment in this situation, so this thread will be locked.

    Side note: Staff should never be trapping a player intentionally, it may be allowed but it doesn't reflect positively. But seeing has OP has no proof and I believe Nope Trash, I'm just putting that there as a reminder ^_^.
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