Just the Tip - Demotion Issue

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by DocFox, Jan 11, 2017.

  1. Dexter

    Dexter SGM's Resident Former Rage Mod VIP Emerald

    Not disagreeing with what you said :(. But if someone in the military is out in the field of action, or as Pacifist worded it "On the frontline" for moderators, it's two entirely different punishments. Yes there are those who aren't on the field, and yes, loss of a rank/jail time is a punishment carried out, I'm just saying that people put their lives at risk and they shouldn't really be compared to those who staff an online gaming community.

    I apologize if I came out as a bit brash or aggressively arguing against you.
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  2. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    it's just a comparison in the structure rofl, I'm guessing you are/were military?
  3. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Sorry if I came off aggressively; current atmosphere, I guess.

    I was comparing more of the normal tempo military operations to our community.

    I couldn't compare combat operations to our community because, like you said, it doesn't translate well.

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  4. Armour

    Armour Ok. VIP

    Being in the military doesn't give you some crazy experience that makes your opinions carry more weight. Sorry.
    • Dumb Dumb x 7
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  5. Dexter

    Dexter SGM's Resident Former Rage Mod VIP Emerald

    Nope, it's just that we all had parents/grandparents or a close relative server in the military.
  6. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    you'll never understand
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  7. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    Ah, all I can really say is that as someone who will be on those frontlines, don't try to overreact when someone compares it to something, it really doesn't bother most of us, unless its a complete mockery, then we will pipe in ourselves.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Armour

    Armour Ok. VIP

    Thanks for your input, Rozboon. Rate this dumb. I know you will make me proud.
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  9. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    IT DOES if you're discussing things about the military. We aren't saying it gives our opinions more weight, only saying that we would know more about the military and therefore be able to make a more accurate comparison. "Being a lion tamer/safari guide/zookeeper doesn't make your opinions about lions more valid" that's what you sound like lol
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  10. Armour

    Armour Ok. VIP

    We aren't discussing anything about the military. It's a community for playing a video game.

    You had one job, Rozboon.
    • Dumb Dumb x 3
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  11. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    The original topic of the thread was comparing the staff structure to military structure and people argued that it wasn't like military structure. So yeah, it was part of the conversation.
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  12. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

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  13. Doctor Smurfenstein

    Doctor Smurfenstein Active member Banned VIP

    That word is one R away from being much more interesting.
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    How do we always end up fighting over everything, even if it's the smallest thing like this military comparison in this case

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  15. Daddy Nexxus

    Daddy Nexxus Toxi-Fessional VIP

    Vet here, please don't compare a gaming community to the military, no sense, bye.

    Also where is my military discount for VIP?
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2017
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    i know im contradicting what i wrote above a little bit, but

    normal functioning person here that doesnt get anal over a comparison
    Go fuck yourself bye
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  17. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    Please don't get offended over a comparison
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  18. Santa Claus

    Santa Claus Best Member VIP Bronze

    Thanks for that. Just had to hold foaming root beer in my mouth while laughing. lol
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  19. Daddy Nexxus

    Daddy Nexxus Toxi-Fessional VIP

    Not too sure you guys are serious or not. Leave it to two people over the internet to jump to conclusions based off of a single sentence with an actual period at the end.

    This is everyone here's problem. You immature children assume so much that it causes so much drama and so many issues. You're so wholly defensive and take everything so literally over a video game forum. Learn to not give a fuck about people's opinion and just move on.

    My comment was meant purely as a joke. I received a call at work and wasn't able to top it off with my "Also where's my military discount for VIP?" at the end until just now.

    Edit: Please note, I'm not speaking to everyone when I make these statements. I know several younger folks around here who were definitely raised right.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2017
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  20. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    I thought that was the study of anal. Who knew?
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