Rejected Make any use of the word 'Nigger' an instant ban. Including 'nigga' or any other variations.

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by bamohame2, Jan 8, 2017.

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  1. Mr. Disco

    Mr. Disco Jeff Lynne is a musical genius. VIP

    Honestly we have admins for a reason.

    I rarely see people use nigga in a harmful way. If they say "I hate niggas" then admins can deal with it, or mods. That's obviously being racist.

    If you are being targeted and they're trying to call you a nigga to get around the rules, contact a staff member. Harassment is not allowed.

    Nigga has been like a way to say friend since the 70s as far as I know. Seen it in movies, and used in songs.

    @Sir Lemoncakes said something like this like 4 days ago.

    If we blacklist nigga, we would need to blacklist all other possible racial slurs like that too. I mean really it's true.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. bamohame2

    bamohame2 Member

    Thank you, Rick, for taking the time to respond.

    The tools here are generally great and I use them when I can. Unfortunately, it takes time to properly file a report and its often difficult to catch users since they said it over the mic and I may have missed it or it was multiple users that ended up changing their usernames.

    This is the issue for me. Time and energy. If I continued reporting every instance of this then I simply would no longer have fun in the game. And this is where i'm at now. I do not enjoy playing on these servers because users are free to use racial slurs in a harmful or sarcastic way (as has been done in this thread).

    In the end, these are your servers so I respect your rules. However, I am no longer going to be playing on this server due to the reasons I highlighted in previous posts.

    Before I sign off, I wanted to leave a few notes.

    • It is not acceptable for a non-Black person to use the word Nigga. Look, I am a guy who grew up in a predominately black area. We used the word as a way to reclaim it and to retake ownership of the word. So, I was surprised when I moved onto university. I was surprised because many people on the predominately white campus were using it. I was surprised because they were using it in a sarcastic way or in a way to mock the culture I came from. In general, there are many reasons as to why non-white people cannot use it. I'll link some articles here. Read them and don't discredit them right away.
    • Yeah, the internet is a pretty shitty place. I know that. However, it has seemed to be a recent phenomenon where people are purposely using these terms, phrases, and sterotypes to provoke or "trigger." I guess this is a result of the whole anti-PC wave. However, I encourage you to look more deeply into this issue because it has always been wrong.
    • I am surprised that the lack of outrage that happened with my initial report. Users on these servers were enmass trying to lynch. I told some friends about this and they were shocked. While users here kinda shrugged and said 'too bad.' This is because most users here are not black. So, I encourage you to describe the first report to your Black friends and see how they react.
    • Ask yourself why you use the word Nigga. Is it in a sincere way or are you just trying to be sarcastic?
    Anyways, it has been fun playing on these servers. Take care, everyone.

    EDIT: I should make it clear that every instance of the word Nigga I have seen (in 80 hours of the game) have been in a negative or harmful way towards users. I am no longer going to continue playing simply because I am tired of taking time to report these users.

    And please don't try to make this an anti-PC thing. Look at what I said before discrediting me based on that.

    I'm going to use the rest of my points on a few T rounds before I head out.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2017
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
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  3. zomborg

    zomborg "She's like a little Satan." - CDriscoll 2015 VIP

    All in all, you're expecting a bunch of (mostly) underage kids to be respectful on the internet. While most end up stopping, some don't- if they wanna say the -er, they will be punished. If they wanna use the -a, they won't. Saying "it's a friendly greeting among black people but nobody else" is so counter-intuitive. You don't know what color anyone is on the internet until shown otherwise and whose business is it to go so far as to distinguish simply for the ability to use the n-word in any variation? It wouldn't be okay for you (@bamohame2 ) to say the n-word with -er at the end just as much as anyone else.

    If you feel like someone is genuinely being hateful, record a demo/get screenshots and talk to a staff member. Just the simple use of the word with -a attached isn't classified as hateful unless the context and intention is hateful. If people are really bothering you with it and you see nothing is happening, recording is your best bet. You can also locally mute them on your own(voice chat only) and play that way, or hop servers.

    While SGM expects a common realm of respect, it does have to go by protocol and specific rules. The word with -er attached is NEVER accepted and is often punished, but if you expect people to not say the word with -a attached just because you think they aren't black, that's pretty silly. The internet isn't 100% "politically correct" and neither is SGM.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  4. Kyül

    Kyül Caged Bird VIP Bronze

    The problem with this topic is very simple: You are presenting this as a very generalized issue, when ITS ALL BUT THAT.
    This is very subjective to the tone of the person, the context of the conversation, and the mood. You cant put all eggs in one basket @bamohame2 , and thats why there is a report feature, to point out insulting and racist behavior. Ill just leave it at that.
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  5. Sir Clutch

    Sir Clutch they gonna talk bout me VIP

    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Winner Winner x 2
  6. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    why are you duplicating your previous thread
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Mr. Disco

    Mr. Disco Jeff Lynne is a musical genius. VIP

    Mate I know a lot of black people who are fine with it.

    They even commented here saying it's not a big deal.

    If the majority of our community didn't want people to say nigga, then it would be voted in as a rule.

    GRYPHN ♫ Thanks for the Memories ♫ VIP

    I understand where you are coming from in some ways, I feel like this wouldn't really improve gameplay as we would be dishing out bans over one word that is considered harassment, and one that Is used so often by many people that It's part of their vocabulary and they can't really filter it. We already punish for people using a hard r, I don't think we need to make it any more stricter then it already is. If anyone on the server is offended by the use of the word a staff member will do their best to investigate it or punish the player if they believe it was indeed harassment or if they see where you are coming from with your complaint about what a player said or did.

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