Approved Skoowy's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Skoowy, Jan 1, 2017.

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  1. Skoowy

    Skoowy VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Well, I was apparently banned for "harassment".

    Though I genuinely cannot comprehend how what I said was harassing towards Lone.

    I simply told Lone Wanderer that some other guy had a spray of his face with cum on it. I then restated what the admin said when we tried informing him about the spray which was "he can't get in trouble for it because lones okay with having a load on his face". I ONLY told Lone that because I wasn't sure if he knew about it.

    Then he instantly threatens me saying that if I did it on front of him then I would be banned. Implying that I am the one who sprayed it in the first place, I then proceeded to tell him to calm down it wasn't even me who sprayed it.

    Next thing you know I am banned for 24 hours.

    Please I just want to know how me informing the moderator Lone Wanderer of a situation that happened is harassment on my part.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I have no evidence of the innocence because I had no idea I would get banned from such a silly event.

    Though Lone Wanderer claims to have it recorded, which I am sure he could provide.​
  2. Lone Wanderer

    Lone Wanderer The One and Only VIP

    I'm currently staffing, but I will give my side of the situation at some point either tonight or tomorrow when I wake up.

    I will also tag @Casually Serious, as he was there prior to me coming onto the server, and he was the one who also issued the ban.
  3. Zack

    Zack Shepherd of Fire VIP

    Yes, I've seen your appeal, and on my end, it is an instantaneous denial. Your behavior has reached continual heights of absurdly toxic non-sense, despite being asked politely to stop. In in the event that it is required, I have the games recorded and I believe @Lone Wanderer does as well. This is your THIRD ban for harassment 3rd in very short order, and I have no interest in allowing you back on to the servers until you change your attitude.

    That said, I am also actively staffing, and will more fully address this at a later time.
  4. Skoowy

    Skoowy VIP

    Casually, I don't even recall the first warning you gave me while on the server. Though i do recall the second, you claim my behavior was absurdly toxic, though half the server was calling me a bitch, and other vulgar names. Yet when I respond back at them, I am the one who receives the punishment. You are the one who has banned me 2/3 times and with Lone Wanderer being the other. Every time I join a server and you begin staffing, it's complete biased behavior against me. I am not acting like I am without sin, but you let others get away with absurd behavior while I get punished for something as stupid as informing a mod to an event that happened.
  5. Zack

    Zack Shepherd of Fire VIP

    No, I specifically recall issuing multiple people warnings tonight, including Deshawn, BryanTehHero, LIL HALF CUT and a few more players. Your behavior in particular is targeted because you have consistently caused trouble, up to the point where you reach your second warning, and then proceed to push yourself over the edge. It's unacceptable that after two harassment bans, you have not figured out that when a staff member has asked you to stop, and then kicked you, that it isn't the wisest idea to proceed trolling or otherwise harassing people/staff.

    Your first warning was verbal, as is often the case with me. Your second was expressed here, by this kick, for aggressively calling people 'bitch', and when I asked you to stop, you responded ever so politely with 'Fuck you, Casually, fuck you.'


    Afterward, you went on to have a completely inappropriate discussion with @Lone Wanderer , who will be uploading the third part of your harassment and subsequent ban when he is available.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2017
  6. Skoowy

    Skoowy VIP

    I have yet to understand how me INFORMING him that someone had a spray of him with cum photoshopped, and an admin said he's (lone) okay with it; is innappropriate
  7. Lone Wanderer

    Lone Wanderer The One and Only VIP

    I was there for the second warning that was issued (the kick) along with the third instance that resulted in your ban.

    In regards to the third instance, you brought something back up to me that you had actually told me before right when I joined the server. You brought up a certain spray of me that another player in the community has edited with cum across my face (of which I'm already aware of the existence). You told me that an admin told you that "the spray was okay because Lone's okay with having a load on his face".

    I didn't threaten you with a ban in related to the spray at all, at any point, nor did I imply that you were the one that sprayed it. I said that the spray would definitely not be okay if I was on the server, as it clearly is offensive to me and considered harassment, which I would think is fairly obvious. You restated this comment about the spray once again, bringing it to a grand total of 3 times that you brought it to my attention.

    The reason I took it as harassment was not only due to the number of times that you brought it up over voice chat, but also the way you said it, and some other statements that came accompanied with it.

    I recorded the entire incident, but, luckily for you, Shadowplay decided it would be a good idea to not have any sound attached to the recording. As such, I'm going to be forced to unban you due to the lack of that evidence, and void the ban from your history.

    Appeal: Accepted
    Thread: Locked
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