Completed Report against Thatoneguy2276 Zigfee poppafignewton

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by bamohame2, Dec 28, 2016.

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  1. bamohame2

    bamohame2 Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Thatoneguy2276 Zigfee poppafignewton
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    I am not sure. But the one with the two cars in the middle and the T room that floods
    Which Round:

    Time of Occurence:
    between 2-4 PM
    Reason For Report:
    Context of the report is on this post:

    There were more users involved but I was unable to find their steamid. My apologies.

    In the end, I am hoping a review is done to make rules around racism and harassment much tougher. I find it weird that only specific uses of the word 'Nigger' is prohibited and other variations (Niger, Niga, Niggr) are allowed.

    Please let me know if you need more information.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Grace (MOD)
    Casually Serious (MOD).​
  2. GunAndBomb

    GunAndBomb Explosive VIP

    I'm going to tag @Graze and @Casually Serious in this report. Please be patient while they investigate.

    Thank you.
  3. I don't play West. I'm on the East/East 2 servers but okay.
  4. Togo ✿

    Togo ✿ Nobody Gets it VIP Silver

    I was there on the server at the time this happened. People were saying slurs and other things. You tried to stop it and I thank you for that but the people called you a SJW because you wanted them to stop. Also people were getting buthurt over the use of connotationand nigga. I kinda of explain that the you can use nigga because it was slang and couldn't be said in a derogatory connotation and N***** couldn't be used at all. I left shortly after but before I left people were using the slurs you said and calling for you to be banned and saying your a SJW because you didn't like you told them to stop.
    It was pretty out of hand and @bamohame2 is right
  5. And @Graze can verify it as well.
  6. pizzaboy83

    pizzaboy83 New Member

    I have to agree with ThatOneGuy2276. I was there at the time
  7. bamohame2

    bamohame2 Member

    I made a mistake on which server it was. My apologies. I haven't reported anyone on the forums before.
  8. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    I'm going to handle this so please wait.
  9. Fuzzy Slug

    Fuzzy Slug The Slug Army VIP Emerald

    I was there at the time and @ThatOneGuy2276 said he accidentally had shadowplay running the whole time so he should have the entire incident recorded, unless he deleted it, in which if he did it was because the report is actually in
    bamohame2's favor.
  10. Video was blackscreen because I was running in windowed fullscreen.
  11. Fuzzy Slug

    Fuzzy Slug The Slug Army VIP Emerald

    it should still have audio which might give us more evidence with this report since it is unlikely @bamohame2 has audio logs from the ENTIRE incident.
  12. Kyül

    Kyül Caged Bird VIP Bronze

    I have witnessed @ThatOneGuy2276 be extremely racist and harass people in MANY occasions, and there are a ton of people who can back that up. He has been kicked for harassment multiple times and he even threatened @Solar once that she would be demoted and he would get her banned because she punished him for RDM following protocol (I believe @Guardia and Solar can back me up on this, it happened a few days ago). I have even filed multiple harassment reports against him directly in game and I still have many screenshots of him being racist and a troll. This toxic behavior is disliked by everybody and should stop. Here is an example of his usual behavior:
    This player has made himself fame in a very short time for targeting players and spamming, insulting and RDMing them when there is no staff on (even with staff actually).
    I hope this is not out of place, but I think this is worth adding. Thank you
    -Kyle :penguin:
  13. Zack

    Zack Shepherd of Fire VIP

    Thank you for the added input, Kyle. This is exceptionally relevant to the situation, and you've added insight in to the demeanor of at least one of the reported players.
  14. "many occasions" I've only started playing Gmod 2 days ago.

    I got a 24 hour ban due to fucking around with one of my friends and for calling the OP a dumb N for spamming me with over 50+ messages VIA psay.

    I pm'd the mod telling them I was fucking around.

    Filed multiple harassment reports? Only report I had was one from bame. Only had 2 reports of RDM that I was slayed for.

    Seems like bame and Kyle are working together to team up on me. Logical.

    "toxic behavior" look at your post.
  15. And go ahead and look at all my RDM reports. There's two.
  16. Lone Wanderer

    Lone Wanderer The One and Only VIP

    Please refrain from double posting. In the future, if you have relevant information to add to someone you've already replied to, please use the edit feature and make note of that additional information.
  17. Zack

    Zack Shepherd of Fire VIP

    RDM reports don't really have a reflection on what's being said here, it is your behavior toward your peers. You disrespected me, bamohame, and now Kyle as well, and potentially more of the staff if what Kyle has said is accurate. You may have a great deal to answer for, at the going rate.
  18. Alright. Refund my VIP+ and ban me. I really don't care at this point as Kyle is just trying to get me falsely banned.
  19. Kyül

    Kyül Caged Bird VIP Bronze

    I addressed just that, I have played with you only once for an extended period of time, and I have file over 3 harassment reports on you (all justified with proof). And usually with a harassment report I directly message the Staff member, so you have received punishment, but you dont have a report (in these cases no answer is needed). And of course you only have 2 RDM reports, because at least you are not dumb and only RDM when there is no staff on. Most players dont take the time to make a forum report or even know that that is a choice. You have made your way around the rules to harass players and that should not be allowed anymore.
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