This has gone pass rdm

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Derpy, Aug 25, 2013.

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  1. Derpy

    Derpy Active Member

    This has generally gone past rdm at this point this is fucking cyber bullying and 2 of the bullys are mods/admins, Asty and Sam!

    Basicly me and Asty were joking around and Asty called a kos on me at the end of the round. The next round I was a T and Clipper started randomly shooting me at the start of the round.

    Afterwards I asked Asty to slay him which he didn't, Clipper then started to bully me, some of the server joined in aswell and so did Sam by saying I'm dead just like my hopes.

    He continued to harrass me in !p (Clipper) and he got of with a simple slay. ... tube_gdata

    I'm really getting a harsh time.

    Allthough Asty didn't harras he didn't slay straight away.
  2. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    Clipper (DsDude.) has been banned.
  3. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP

    DsDude told me you were called out. That is why you I didnt slay him, then you told me that it was the KOS from pregame then i instantly slayed him. I told him to stop harrassing you but i guess he kept doing it
  4. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP

    Also i never harrassed you. Tell me when i harrassed you. Thats right since i didnt. So leave me out of that.
  5. Derpy

    Derpy Active Member

    Sorry Asty for you I ment to type that you didn't slay straight away will be edited
  6. Rosko.

    Rosko. Member

    Asty claimed you were really annoying. He called you out. He then apologized to me saying that he had to slay me because he wanted to save his own behind. Just sayin'.
  7. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP

    Yes i said he was annoying since he spammed admin chat. And i said that in a sarcastic voice fyi.
  8. Rosko.

    Rosko. Member

    For shizzle my nizzle, "I used a sarcastic voice" Well, I used a sarcastic chat when I was fucking about..

    See how that argument is retarded?
  9. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP

  10. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP

    When Derpy told me it was the kos before pregame i was instantly gonna slay you. But i made a scence out of it since you were harassing derpy.
  11. Rosko.

    Rosko. Member

    Your whole argument is you twisting the truth and putting threads through the empty spaces in the whole event so it may favor your side.
  12. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP

    Really? Since when im speaking my truth. Oh and when you added me on steam and said it was BS that you were harassing Derpy still, ya there is evidence. Like i said.
  13. Rosko.

    Rosko. Member

    Ban Sam then for doing the same thing.
  14. Sam

    Sam VIP

    I agree,I was disrespectful and broke rule #1 of staff conduct.
    Derpy,I was making a joke out of it because you took it so seriously,I'm sorry if you're sensitive to small remarks.
    Also,please don't threaten staff for such a thing.I wasn't there when it happened so I don't know the full extent of it,so please don't get me involved.
    Clipper,you're on thin ice,this is probably your final chance on this server seeing as this is your 5th ban on this server for two months.
  15. Rosko.

    Rosko. Member

    And I understand that.. but 57 days is too extensive and you are supposed to be held at a higher standard.
  16. Sam

    Sam VIP

    Rosko,I didn't ban you,the owner did. Talk to Highwon about it and maybe your ban will get decreased.
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