3 Inno dead Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by The Sexecutioner, Jan 15, 2014.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname: The Sexecutioner
    Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:14663271
    Which Server: Serious TTT West

    Why should you be unbanned: I wasn't able to submit a reply to the report a player sent out. I wasn't given a chance to argue my defense.

    Evidence of innocence: To clarify, this event occurred on my first round (I was detective) in the ttt_minecraft map. I went to the top of the tower and found a traitor dropping bodies off of the tower, blood everywhere, obviously disposing of evidence. Another player named England was up there as well, watching him do it. I killed the first player, ID'd the body - he was traitor. I placed suspicion on England and went down the tower some, someone else (Flaming something) went up, along with a couple more guys. I heard gunshots above all of the sudden and went up again. Another body with these three others, including Flaming, standing around it. Not much evidence, and three suspects, I start going to head downstairs but I suspect Big because already, two traitors have been killed in his presence but he's assisted in neither incident despite being first or second to the scene. Still, I don't act on this - it wouldn't be fair - so I start going down the ladder. I then get shot with a flare gun - I assumed/assume it had to be one of the three. Every single one of them followed me down the ladder though, and no one was defending me (a detective). Flaming was confirmed (which I did not know at a time) so I do feel I wronged him in killing him and probably deserved a slay for the next round. But I killed and ID'd BIG and England (ID between kills), they were both innocent. I go further down the ladder and find another traitor who walks passed an UnID'd body, killed him because he shot a flare gun, and then went further down. Another traitor came, killed me, and as I was typing up a response for Flaming's report which would have been along the lines of "mistake, my apologies, had reasonable suspicion", I was banned.

    I did make a mistake, but I wasn't just trying to slaughter people as a detective. I wasn't trying mean-spiritedly to break the rules, or ruin anyone's fun. I don't play TTT often, but when I do I play almost exclusively on this server despite some disagreements with the mods/admins. I'd appreciate an unban, because even if I erred in the game, I did it within the spirit of the game and not with the intention of being an RDMing little shit.

    tl;dr: I killed a lot of people that round, and a lot of them were innocents I had suspected, seemed to have been shot at by, and who I fought back against. The ban is for "Mass RDM" and while I killed en masse, it was not at all random.
  2. The Law

    The Law You fought the law and the law won. VIP Silver Emerald

    IamAhnuld will respond to your ban appeal when he is available.

    Were these bodies unid'd bodies? because if they were ID'd, then you had no evidence to kill him, and it would be considered RDM.
  3. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    You are not allowed to kill based solely on suspicion. I can see some reasoning behind some if tour acts, but not behind other acts. The staff member that issued the ban will reply at their nearest convenience.
  4. List of people I killed:

    1st, Traitor, was disposing of innocent bodies, no one else available to shoot those innocents besides innocent #2, who was only watching
    2nd, Innocent (England), suspected traitor grouped together with the next two whom followed me after I had been hit by a flare gun, one of the only three who could have done it
    3rd, Innocent ($BIG), same as above, I thought he had fired a flare gun at me or was grouped with the 2nd
    4th, Innocent (Flame), genuine mistake, I shouldn't have killed Flame but I was pretty confused at the time - this one was 100% my bad
    5th, Traitor, walked passed an unidentified body, I killed him as he turned to prepare to open fire on me

    I don't remember the traitor's names but they are partially irrelevant to the post. Yes, I did kill everyone in the tower at the time, that's completely true, but I'm not leaving out any details here. Yes, I killed a traitor, and yes I kill the three innocents after - but it wasn't random. I was fairly certain they were trying to kill me at the time. The 5th was a traitor that I had completely legitimate reasons for killing, just like the first. The only reason I say 'my bad' for victim #4 is because he was apparently confirmed and I didn't know that at the time.
  5. IamAhnuld

    IamAhnuld Regular Member

    I specced that round, saw you kill everyone there. You killed more than the three I witnessed. Denied.

    It's not a global ban, you can still play on the other two servers.
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