Invalid Report against Lemon

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Anime, Nov 29, 2016.

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  1. Anime

    Anime Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    I was banned i cant find his ID
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    East TTT
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    12:37 AM
    Reason For Report:
    I have past experience with staffing TTT servers. How lemon reacted was very unprofessional and rude.

    I saw a kos on the player named "Tay" later in the game "mid round" i got DNA on the player "Tay" i killed him and he ended up being innocent.

    When round ended a report poped up and i assumed it was "Tay" without looking that lemon had report me. All i saw was "Tay" name and me doing damage to him, so i replayed " I had dna on you"

    Lemon then added a slay and i was confused so i started talking to lemon, at least i tried his responds were so slow its like he wanted to avoid talking to me.

    I ask him why did you add a slay, Lemon said because i have damged "Tay" at the beginning of the round. I told him and copy/paste in admin chat@ that someone has called kos on "Tay" that is why i shot at him and later in the round killed him.

    Lemon didn't answer its like he was waiting for next round so i can be slain already.... I kept spamming and i told him if he is slaying me, for following a kos it is false slay... and i will leave the server and make a report.

    Map changed and i kept saying remove the slay i did nothing wrong... at the last seconds before i was slain he said sorry once a report was made i cant change it. What kind of bullshit of an excuse is that... he could have simply remove my slay since i did nothing wrong.

    I was bored so i joined you're server. I loved how there is different gun skins and player models so i wanted to give it a shot, but since ive experienced this i cant stop thinking that you have very unprofessional staff. I am looking forward to this responds.

    Also another mod that was one during this time was " Isabella" she did nothing nor say anything about it.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

    I was going to take more screenshots of what i talked with lemon but my screenshot wasn't working so i had to refresh grays mod but lemon banned me for 5 days cause i left the server with 1 slay... a wrongful slay too.

    The rest of the conversation was basically me showing him that someone had called kos on "Tay" and that i am being wrongfully slayed but he didn't seem to care.

    Very bad impression of the server cause of this.​
  2. Steve Mason

    Steve Mason Honesty. VIP

    Thanks for taking the time to report this staff member on the forums!

    Tagging @Lemon and his admin @Mr. Rogers please be patient for his response.

    Thank you.
  3. Lemon

    Lemon ideal male moderator VIP Silver

    Hey Anime, thanks for taking the time to report me.

    I was going through the logs and I saw that you damaged someone randomly at the start of the round
    At 16 seconds, you damaged Tay for 36 health, probably from your discombob that you threw prior. I then made a report copying the logs.
    You claimed you had DNA on him, which was not the case. You did not have DNA that early on in the round. I explained this to you in our chat

    I explained to you in the chat that this was at the beginning of the round and that you did not have DNA on him. We don't allow players to change their response to a report once a slay has been issued, which was the case here. At no point was I ever rude to you, I just explained what happened and my reasoning behind it. I will tag my admin @Mr. Rogers for his verdict.
  4. Anime

    Anime Member

    This is really pissing me off. Listing fucker trying to hide all the chat we had.

    The report appeared at the end of the round and I thought it was Tay who reported me for killing him.

    I told you I didn't notice you reported me I confused the report!

    And I answered you in @admin chat that I damage Tay because he was kos at the beginning of the round!

    The discomb didn't damage him because it was thrown on the floor and you can go look at death scene and see it for yourself.....

    Why can't you just owe up you slayed me wrong!

    I told you there was a kos a guy started with the name gamer kosed him??

    I simply followed the Kos and attempted to kill Tay, what did I do wrong?
  5. Anime

    Anime Member

    Did you screenshot the part when i copy/paste the guy who had called the kos on Tay?

    The part where you ignore my evidence on why I shot Tay and still slayed me.
  6. Anime

    Anime Member

    I say I shot him because of kos and you say you didn't have dna

    I say Apple you say orange

    You either of some mental issues and you can't understand what I am saying.... I don't care if I am mean I've had enough of this bullshit, staff always cover there shit. You are lucky I didn't screen shot the whole part. If you guys can't see I was wrongfully slain I'm out fuck this community.
  7. Zack

    Zack Shepherd of Fire VIP

    Closed until @Mr. Rogers can respond. Please refrain from spamming posts like this in the future.
  8. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    Lemon showed you the damage logs noting that you had in fact damaged Tay, discombobs tend to have a longer range than one would think so I can understand why you would think it would be impossible for him to be damaged, however obviously you were wrong in this scenario.

    You noting that you believe that the discombob did no damage to Tay makes your point that you were following a KoS null, this due to it being implied that your intentions behind throwing the discombob weren't to damage Tay for being KoSed, and the dicombob wasn't thrown for any valid reason in particular making the damage random which perfectly warrants the slay my Moderator gave you.

    In addition, be sure to pay attention to who exactly is asking for the information because it is common for Staff Members to report damage like Lemon did. You stating that you had DNA on him led to initial confusion, not at the fault of Lemon.

    Due to everything stated, this Report will be marked as Invalid, and if you need any further clarification feel free to contact me civilly in a pm and I'll be happy to explain more.

    Best Regards,
    ~Mr. Rogers
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