Invalid Report against Butterback

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Rbizzle, Nov 11, 2016.

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  1. Rbizzle

    Rbizzle VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:

    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    The cargo ship
    Which Round:
    beliee it was round 2
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    This is a report about abuse. I killed someone for passing an unid'ed body. Butterback ended up deciding to slay me. I told him exactly who's body he passed ( Squanch's) at the rear of the ship were i killed the guy. He then continued to tell me that he had recordings of Squanchs body at the front of the ship not the rear wer eI said he was.. Which is straight up lie. Even squanch himself said his body was at the rear of the ship. As he has "recordings" he can prove me wrong, but I know he doesnt have any supporting his side because he decided to lie to cover up a false slay. This is just abuse.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Squanch was AFK and when he returned that round his body was at the rear of the ship where I said it was, not the front like Butters "Evidence" says. I dont respect mods that lie to get away with abuse.

  2. Steve Mason

    Steve Mason Honesty. VIP

  3. Butterback

    Butterback "Whatever you want" VIP

    Hi there, give me a minute to upload my evidence. Tagging @ryan4win
  4. Rbizzle

    Rbizzle VIP

    I'm curious how theres evidence when he was exactly where i said he was
  5. Squanchy

    Squanchy VIP

    Only thing I can contribute is that my corpse appeared to be at the front/rear of the ship (or one of the edge's). I was AFK during that round so not sure what else happened.
  6. Squanchy

    Squanchy VIP

    Or the rear.
  7. Rbizzle

    Rbizzle VIP

    Lol ^ anyways he said a few times he was at the rear, but also Butters evidence will show he was not at the front
  8. Butterback

    Butterback "Whatever you want" VIP

    Hey Rbizzle,

    I slayed you because after reviewing my shadowplay recording of the incident I saw a body in the water off the front of the boat, and it didn't seem reasonable to kill nuclear for climbing into the back of the boat. I rewatched the video multiple times to confirm, and I did send it to my admin, ryan. He should be here soon to reply.
  9. Rbizzle

    Rbizzle VIP

    So wheres your evidence? Seeing a body means nothing. Not a reason to slay. And why are you looking at the front of the ship when I said the rear? Squanchs' body was at the rear. It sounds like you were looking for a excuse to focus on to get aay with a false slay
  10. Rbizzle

    Rbizzle VIP

    There was also Squanchs body at the rear of the boat, like I said from the start. How would I know theres some random body at the front of the boat if I killed someone in the rear, where Squanches body was? Still waiting for your video evidence of Squanchs body at the front of the ship
  11. ryan4win

    ryan4win I was supposed to do great things VIP Silver

    Hello, thank you for taking the time to voice your concerns over one of my moderators as they are always looking to greater their performance on the servers no matter the situation.

    Usually when players claim another player passed an unidentified body the outcome of the report will be what we call word vs word, this is because we don't have enough evidence to prove whether or not you are being truthful.

    But there indeed was video evidence, if you don't believe me here is a screenshot of said video where you decide to call my mod a "Abusing Fuck"

    I recommend you try to be a little nicer to the staff in the future, regardless the situation.

    In the video, the only unidentified body was in fact in front of the boat, in a position where the player you killed could not see it, therefore your kill was RDM.

    Report: Invalid

    Thanks for reporting!
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