Denied Bucket12345's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Bucket12345, Nov 3, 2016.

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  1. Bucket12345

    Bucket12345 Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Sherlock Holmes
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I wrote the following to C.A.ANNA, the one who banned me:

    I see, you have banned me for RDM and leave. I dont remember doing so, and would like to know, whom I did this to, and if there is a way to get a lesser punishment, as I did not know, I had RDM'ed someone when I left the server.
    Normally when I leave the server, I am very carefull not to do anything anyone would report me for, and sometimes wait a round or two before leaving, so any delayed reports can reach me before I disconnect. I think I might have failed to this and find it a bit extreme to get 4 weeks ban, when my intentions in NO WAY were to offend/break any rules and run from the punishment/consequences.

    Summing up:

    I accept that I might have done RDM and leave, but as the normal punishment for a simple RDM is a slay, and I did not know, I was leaving the server when I had a report coming (I was not aware somone was going to report me), I find it unfair, as I had no way of knowing, I was in fact doing RDM and leave.
    It has never been my intention to so.

    I am appealing here, as C.A.ANNA told me to. This is no way critism towards C.A.ANNA, as she but reacted to what seemed like RDM&leave.

    PS. As to my history with RDM&leave, these bans heppend before I really had any interest in the server, why I did not do anyhting about it although the cases were the same. I have, however, grwon fond of the server and don't want to be banned for 4 weeks
    Evidence of Innocence:

    I really have no evidence. I don't know what that would be in my case anyways​
  2. Ichikunjii

    Ichikunjii Vous avez changé VIP Iron

    You were banned by @C.A.Anna. Please wait patiently for their response.
  3. Bucket12345

    Bucket12345 Member

    Okay, thanks. I, however, don't question C.A.Anna's decision. I only ask, that it is considered, I did not know, I was leaving just after having RDMed someone. So really I want to know, if you take in to account this fact.
  4. Bucket12345

    Bucket12345 Member

    How long would I normally have to wait for an appeal such as this?
  5. Ichikunjii

    Ichikunjii Vous avez changé VIP Iron

    Sometimes tags don't work initially/staff members miss them. I'll retag @C.A.Anna if that's the case.
  6. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP


    I do apologise for the delay. I got caught up with a few things so I thank you for your patience. Now let's get into it.

    We were on Innocent Motel, round 2 when I got the following report against you.
    As you can see, you threw a frag grenade for no reason at all. You knew about this report, having even responded with sorry so you cannot claim that "I was leaving the server when I had a report coming (I was not aware someone was going to report me)" because you knew the report had been filed and the report dealt with as we issued a slay. You say that you "had no way of knowing" but that was not the case at all as the slay had been issued onto you so you would have seen it, or at least notice it when you were slain. You left the following round after you had been slain as shown here.

    Although I see you have good intentions in this appeal, I don't like lying. There is no way that you didn't know you were going to be slain. You knew there was a valid report against you, you knew there was a slay or at the very least going to be one and you left after you were slain. You didn't wait like you said you usually do, you didn't kill someone and not realise it was RDM or something like that. You were not ignorant to the events that took place and trying to play it off doesn't look good on you. That teamed with the fact that this is not the first time that this has happened and you have a colourful history, I am going to be denying this appeal. If you have further questions, you're more than welcome to ask.

    Thank you and take care,

    Appeal: Denied
    Thread: Locked
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