Completed Report against Spooky Bop (Doodle Bop)

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Optimus Fine, Oct 30, 2016.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Spooky Bop (Doodle Bop)
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    East 2
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Several rounds
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    The mod has been abusing his abilities to avoid slaying himself, claiming players had "passed unIDed bodies" when they had not. He claimed he can't slay himself because "it's word vs word" and "you can't trust the logs." He then proceeds to slay SPOODERMAN for KOSing him for passing an unIDed body. This guy is loopholing and should be removed from his position as a mod and banned, if necessary. He doesn't stand for the values that this server has and it makes the game annoying to play. As a VIP, I hope you take this into consideration and at least monitor him with some scrutiny. Thanks.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    SPOODERMAN, Sgt., myself​
  2. GunAndBomb

    GunAndBomb Explosive VIP

    Tagging @Spooky Bop for his response and his admin @Grimraffe for the verdict. Please be patient until they respond.

  3. Doodle Bop

    Doodle Bop Things always look impossible until they're done. VIP

    I have seen this and I will respond shortly. I will also be tagging my admin @Grimraffe to get the verdict of this.

    EDIT: Sniped
  4. Doodle Bop

    Doodle Bop Things always look impossible until they're done. VIP

    Alright, Thanks for taking the time to report me here on the forums. We were playing on 67th Way previous to Nipperhouse and on this map SPOODERMAN was running from two UNIDed bodies that I IDed shortly after killing him. He said that he didn't run away from them but I saw him do it. It then became a word vs. word situation in which I can't slay for. I asked to see if he had video proof in which he didn't. Here is the screenshot of the first report
    Report 1.png

    After this he was extremely upset I tried explaining multiple times that it was word vs. word and that's why I wasn't slain. He then started throwing words around and calling me "stupid" and "retarded" and a "corrupt mod".
    Later, the next round you were KOSed by Spooky Nutty. This report was also word vs. word as I had no way of finding if you had shot him because you two didn't damage each other. I told him that I couldn't find If you had shot him or not and you started saying that "he was my friend" and that I was protecting my friend. I tried explaining multiple times why I couldn't slay him and then he twisted my words and said that I was saying the logs are untrustworthy which isn't what I said at all. Here is the screenshot of the second report and him saying that he was my friend.
    Report 2.png
    Conversation 2.png
    The map had changed and it was Nipperhouse and you were saying that I passed an UNIDed body. He then started following me and then killed me and in the report he said "You passed an UNIDed body." He knew I didn't pass an UNIDed and he eventually said that he had just killed me for no reason. I then looked at the logs and every person that died was IDed so there was no way I could've passed an UNIDed body. Every round after this he kept saying KOS Spooky until I eventually just spectated and recorded. I didn't screenshot the report but I do have the logs
    Logs 1.png
    Logs 2.png
    After I put a slay on him he got his friend to start targeting me and I just ignored it. You asked me if I had video proof in which I did so I told him I had video proof. The next map was concrete and he started spamming admin chat saying "I want a copy" I eventually told him to stop because it was getting ridiculous. Here is the admin chat
    This is all the evidence I'll be providing. I'll leave the rest up to my admin @Grimraffe.

    EDIT: Here is the link to the video if necessary.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2016
  5. I was standing still. I never ran you never saw me run. you are abusing. Show some video. I said bro slay yourself because i didn't do anything. I was waiting for an inced to clear and you killed me. I'm not mad being killed by an into. I'm mad you are looping

    Also i never t baited. if you bothered to check the logs you would have seen i never fired a single bullet that whole round. So word vs word was not in play.

    I kosed falsely as a T. Which is ok and within the rules.

    I spammed chat because he claimed to have video proof of me rdming, which I told him in voice I did. By his logic of "word vs word" I can kill him, say he ran from un id bodies and claim word vs word unless he has a video. So he apparently has video of breaking the rules, which i took my slay, but none of him breaking the rules and looping to avoid slays. How hard is it to slay yourself one round?

    For him, extremely hard. If i wasn't standing completely still and I walked passed them I wouldn't care. It would be my fault. But mods who bend the rules for their advantage make me angry. I love this server- I hate seeing mods like this kid ruin it. please remove him as a moderator immediately and provide a ban for looping, false reports, and ram and leave.

    He hasn't proved anything other than that when reports go out, he does not check logs to validate them, allowing rdm against players he sees fit. The responses he gave do not affirm he is telling the truth and I hope you can agree. he took a couple of screen shots when i was upset and hopes that would be sufficient evidence for him to remain as a moderator to continue looping and abusing slays
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2016
  6. Giraffe

    Giraffe We take the small victories VIP Silver Emerald


    Do you have any videos of the situations described that involve Doodle Bop loopholing?
  7. I don't have video evidence. I don't record my time on the server because it is usually 2 hour sessions. That amount of footage even at a low resolution uses a lot of storage and I require most of my space on my computer for my audio and sample programs. Doodle said he had video evidence of these instances and he failed to even provide them. Look man, I've never been so upset to go as far to report someone on the forums. I spend a lot of time on this server and there are a lot of really good mods, thats why I play on it and donated. To all of my statements he left screenshots that don't prove anything. It is just left to word vs word. I realize I don't have video but I promise you I was tear gased through the teleporter on the other side of the map, and i was standing still waiting for it and the inced to clear so i could id a body. The inced was buring and doodle walked up shot me in the face and said I walked past two unids. I can't continue to repeat this. He is a dishonorable mod. I don't have video andI am tired of hearing doodle reply with "word vs word" knowing he gets what he wants. please just at least remove him as a mod. Let him play and be subjected to the same rules as everyone else instead of ruining the game for everyone.
  8. Doodle Bop

    Doodle Bop Things always look impossible until they're done. VIP

    I don't understand what I did wrong. I do understand that when I put a slay on you, it was wrong on my part because my logic didn't prove that I couldn't have passed an UNIDed somewhere in the game. The slay was my fault and I would gladly take a slay for my mistake. Secondly, I simply told you that it was word vs word, which it was and I couldn't do anything about him KOSing you. Now for the part where I killed you, you did in fact pass UNIDed bodies. The logs could prove that once I killed you, I IDed 2 bodies almost immediately afterwards. I'm sorry you feel as if I'm loopholing or trying to get out of a slay but that's not the case at all. I simply acted on what I saw and that's exactly what I saw. I am still subjected to the same rules as everyone and always will be no matter what rank you have whether it be admin, mod, or any other rank. I don't think I'm ruining the game for anyone because this is the first time someone has complained when I told them it was word vs word. I'll leave the rest up to my admin @Giraffe because there isn't much else to say about this report. I've explained all of my points multiple times and explaining it again won't make a difference.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2016
  9. Giraffe

    Giraffe We take the small victories VIP Silver Emerald

    Hey again SPOODER,

    Because there is no video evidence to suggest that Doodle Bop killed you for what you claim to be nothing, but his claim to be you passing unid's, no action can be taken. This is a word vs. word scenario (as already described by Doodle Bop). Without video evidence, there isn't proof that you did or didn't pass an unid, and as neither sides' word can be taken for granted, no action can be taken. The situation in which the player KOS'd you for shooting him and Doodle killing you as a result, Doodle should have looked into the shoot logs to see if you had shot at all during the round, showing the realm of possibility that the player who KOS'd you had been lying or leaving it at a word vs. word situation in the event you had actually shot. And as for the situation where Doodle slays you for claiming Unid. Doodle used the logs to determine that all the bodies we id'd before dying. Doodle couldn't know if he had passed an unid based on those grounds alone, and for that initial reason, he shouldn't have slain you. Moments after though, you admit to rdm'ing Doodle, which justifies you being slain.

    The issue that arises though, is that your initial response makes the situation word vs. word, but then you admit to RDM'ing Doodle, meaning that your initial response was to loophole getting you out of a slay. Loopholing isn't something to be taken likely and for it, you will be punished, even if you are only trying to make a point. You will be banned locally from the East 2 server for a week. You will be able to play on our other servers we have to offer in the meantime.
    Doodle is also in the wrong here and I will be talking with him on to better improve his attentiveness to prevent situations like this from happening again. He will also be serving two slays for the inconveniences brought by the situations during your times on the server. I thank you for taking the time for reporting my moderator as it shows how one can learn from their mistakes in cases like these.

    With all things considered, I will be marking this report as Completed.
    If you have any questions, feel free to start a conversation with me here on the forums.

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