Completed Report against Alex Murano ( admin involved @Opalium )

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Senpai, Oct 30, 2016.

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  1. Senpai

    Senpai New Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Alex Murano ( admin involved @Opalium )
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:

    Time of Occurence:

    Reason For Report:
    Alex RDMed me after I blocked him from a health station and I reported him the first time (don't have the screenshot of it as i thought an admin was online during this event however they all left just as this happened). He responded to the report with "you were blocking me from getting health" and everyone started to say how this is not a KOSable act and backing me up.

    Alex proceeded to hunt me down the next round and kill me without reason showing aggression towards a player after he was caught wrongdoing. Chat logs show that he knew what he was doing and still proceeded to ignore to rules showing he has no respect for what the server says. Also it felt quite harassing as he showed a lack of caring towards what he did and seemed to not bother about people, such as adrian shephard, who were defending me (I might mess around on the server and some may feel it to be annoying; if this is the case I would usually cut down on the "minging" however what he was doing with this was going too far and trying to take matters into his own hands).

    An admin (Opalium; changed to Jack-O-Palium for Halloween) came one with Trial Moderators (JackThePumpkin and Qaaap; changed to Qaaapmire for Halloween) to sort out the situation and dealt with it by slaying him for a round however he left the server and Opalium banned him for 4 weeks for a 3rd offence or RDM and Leave. I know he has already been banned for what he did however with the addition of harrassment towards players and disregarding the rules I am hoping to extend his ban period further.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    The Report against him (at this time it was the round after he RDMed me for blocking him and everyone called him out and backing me up) (may seem as if I am being rude to him however if he RDMs me on my T round and the next round he's clearly showing no respect so I give him the same treatment back)
    Chat Log 1 (Note: chat log occurrences may skip time periods, just a few lines in between 1 and 3 and long periods across 4 5 and 6, this is to show relevant information to the report)
    Chat Log 2
    Chat Log 3
    Getting Slayed (Chat Log 4)
    Leaving the Server just after the slay (Chat Log 5)
    Getting Banned By Opalium (Chat Log 6)

    This Evidence should be sufficient enough to extend the ban and Thanks for viewing the report
  2. Senpai

    Senpai New Member

  3. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    I'll tag @Jack-O-Palium so he is aware of this and can act further as he sees fit!
  4. Opalium

    Opalium Stay Awesome Banned VIP Silver

    Hey Senpai! I am sorry for the delay. I have extended Alex's ban further.
    Thank you for reporting! Have a great day.

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